No Reply - 그저그런 하루 (Not a Bad Day)

Apr 15, 2013 08:24

title: 그저그런 하루 (Not a Bad Day)
artist: No Reply
album: Cafe - Night and Day
track number: 12
translator's note: I'm a bit lot rusty at this :T

잠시 앉아 쉴 곳이 필요해 우린
we need a place to sit down and rest for a while
여기 모인 사람들 모두 다 그래
all the people gathered here are like that
갈 곳 없고 외로운 날 둥근 커피 잔 하나씩
on days when they are lonely and have nowhere to go, a round cup of coffee, one by one
앞에 두고선 시간을 흘릴 뿐이야
put in front of them, just the time flows

특별한 얘긴 하지 않을 걸 아마
they don't have special stories, maybe
누굴 만났고 누군 별로고 그런
like, whom they met, who's not so special
시시콜콜한 말들로 웅성이는 그 틈 속에
fussing with inquisitive words in between
내 얘기도 뭐 별 다를 건 없겠지
my stories too won't be any different

넌 그저 무심코 가게 안이 예쁘다면서
there you casually say the interior of the shop is pretty

하나, 둘, 셋, "웃어봐" 셔터 위에 손을 올려놓네
one, two, three, "smile" your finger's on the shutter
어색한 웃음으로 난 남겨지겠지
with an awkward smile I'll be left
몇 장의 사진과 그 때의 내가
several photos and me back then

들릴 듯 말 듯 틀어놓은 늘어진 음악소리에
barely hearable, the sound of music playing, spreading out
눈을 감으면 긴 잠이 들 것 같아
I feel like I'll fall asleep when I close my eyes

넌 그저 무심코 가게 안이 예쁘다면서
there you casually say the interior of the shop is pretty
하나, 둘, 셋, "보여줘" "다시 한 번만 더 부탁해"
one, two, three, "show me" "just once more, please"
똑같은 사진 몇 장이 남겨지겠지
there will be several of the same photo be left
익숙한 풍경 속 그 때의 네가
in a familiar scene, you back then

언제인지도 모를 날로 기억되겠지
will be remembered as a day we don't know when it had been
몇 장의 사진과 그 때의 우리
several photos and us back then

translated by
original lyrics: naver

- please credit the translator when reposting.
- you must contact the translator for subbing and other redistribution matters.
- constructive criticism is okay; bashing is not. please keep in mind that the translators are not professionals.
- for more questions & concerns, please leave a comment addressing the issue.
- discussion of the lyrics are always welcome!

artist: no reply, translator: wassereis, genre: ballad

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