Right off the bat, you have my thanks for being game to write in at least one of my (slightly off-beat) requested fandoms, and my apologizes for being a Yuletide newbie.
Basically, I will be excited by anything you write. I'm just happy to be here, is what I'm trying to say. I like my fanfiction in gen, het or slash varieties; it can be clean as a whistle or as smutty as you wanna get. I'm fond of humor, family affection, romance based on friendship, wacky adventures, sex in unexpected places, good-natured competition and even the occasional inevitable heartbreak. The only things I would ask you to avoid are humiliation and cruelty. I don't dig them, even in fanfiction.
Also, if you want to have a look at a fandom you don't recognize, all four are on DVD, available through netflix and Kitchen Confidential is up at hulu.com (it's short, only 13 half-hour episodes!)
Fandom-specific guidelines, in case you want them:
Leatherheads (Carter/Lexie/Dodge)
I'd love to see these three as a romantic trio; during or after the events of the movie. Could be all together or partner-swapping.
I just watched this movie recently and fell in love with the dynamics and the snappy craziness of it all. Like I said above, the idea of the three together makes me swoon, but so does the idea of any two characters competing for the third.
Real Genius (Mitch/Jordan/Chris)
What are Mitch, Jordan and Chris up to in the 21st century? Bonus points if they're all still friends or more.
One of my favorite movies of all time! What I love about this film and these characters is the idea that nerds have complicated inner lives, too. That and Val Kilmer being as outrageous as possible. =) I really would love any kind of glimpse into the future of these great characters now that they might have laptops and iPhones, plus jobs and all that adult baggage.
Singin' In the Rain (Don/Kathy/Cosmo)
Two's company; is three a crowd? How do Don, Cathy and Cosmo learn to share the love?
You may have noticed my great affection for the guy/girl/guy triad. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, so please believe that the full spectrum of relationships from platonic to romantic intrigues me. I like exploring the idea of how adding a third person to a pair like Don and Cosmo affects each person's place in the others' lives.
Kitchen Confidential (Jack/Seth/Steven/Teddy)
I'd love to see a road trip with the KC boys. Maybe Vegas. Maybe Nowheresville, Midwest. If you can add in Michel the recipe-stealing Frenchman somewhere, that would be solid gold.
I was so excited when this show came on and so sad when it got canceled. I love the in-the-trenches humor of these guys trying to keep a restaurant afloat and themselves (relatively) sane at the same time. You don't have to include all four characters, or the road trip idea. It's just something I came up with in case the whole show was too big a concept to start from. Anything KC will tinkle me pink.
I hope this is helpful and not scary or anything.