
Feb 10, 2006 04:12

I don't really have much to say, so here's a couple memes.


1. Your LiveJournal username: lyricalsilence

2. The display name that you chose to use: Soda

3. Explain how you picked / why you selected the user picture(s) that you have: *shrugs*

4. Date of survey (because things will change as soon as you finish it): February 10th, 2006
• Account type: Free
• Friends (#): 11
• Mutual Friends (#): 0
• Also Friends of (#): 0
• Communities (#): 9
• Memories (#): 9
• Journal entries: 52
• Comments posted: 198
• Received: 187

5. Why do you have a Journal page?
- I found someone’s journal, and I thought it’d be fun to have my own. (Actually, I think it was Lisa’s journal. This was way before I met her. o.O;;)

Do you have a Journal page for yourself, your friends, strangers to know you, and/or everyone?
- Whoever reads it, I suppose. *shrugs*

6. Why did you pick LiveJournal (LJ) over another service or handwriting?
- It just sounded better than the other services, and handwritten journals weren’t “protected” enough.

7. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?
- 8-ish

8. How do you think your LJ represents you the most?
• Factually: Pretty well-ish.
• Emotionally: Well, it’s one of the reason I got it, was to put my feelings in a journal.
• Intellectually: Meh. Let’s just say I am smart, but I don’t apply myself.
• Sexually: Definitely not. I don’t find myself sexy or whatever.
• Religiously: No since I don’t really have a religion.
• Artistically: I guess, I mean, I post icons, graphics, and poems/stories that I made.

9. How much about your life do you post to LJ?
- A bit of things, I don’t mind cause I don’t really have a life.

Is there anything you refuse to post about?
- No, I don’t have anything like that.

10. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?
- 2-ish.

11. From who/how did you find out about LJ?
- No one, I just found it through a link from

12. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?
- No.

13. How long have you been a member of LJ?
- Since around 2004-ish.

14. How often do you post to LJ?
- Whenever I feel like it.

15. What proportion of your posts are friends only?
- Rarely.

16. What is your favorite interest on LJ?
- “That ‘70s Show”, also “AC/DC” and “Led Zeppelin”.

17. What is your favorite community on LJ?
- I don’t really have one.

18. Have you ever learned anything new on LJ? No, not really.

19. Has anything on LJ ever caused you to establish, rethink, or even change your belief or position on something? No.

20. How often do you respond / comment on other peoples journals? As much as I can.

21. Do you prefer to write in your Journal, read other Journals, respond to others entries, or get responses to your entries?
- All! ^^

22. What's the longest you've gone without posting to LJ since the day you signed up? I can’t remember.

23. What's the longest you've gone without reading LJ since you discovered it? Again, I can’t remember.

24. What is your favorite post you've ever made to LJ? Still can’t remember…

25. What is your favorite post you've ever read on LJ? Well, since it was Lisa’s journal I found first, it was most likely one of her entries.

26. What's the weirdest or funniest thing you've seen on LJ? Frank the Goat…? o.O;

27. Have you ever specifically asked a question for people to reply to in your Journal? I think I did, but I can’t remember for sure.

28. Have you ever tried to play the "trace yourself back through friends from a random LJ user"? No.

29. Have you ever played the "add a sentence to my post" game? Nope.

30. Have you ever lied/fibbed in your journal? I think twice or so, but that’s it. (What? I was a dumb little girl. :P)

31. Have you ever had something mean said to you or been stalked, harassed, or got into an argument/flame war on LJ (or did it to someone else)? Nope.

32. Have you ever banned someone from your Journal? Nope.

33. Has LiveJournal had any significant impact on your life? I made some pretty awesome friends, and I’m glad I met them. ^^

34. Who are your favorite LJ friend(s) and why? I don’t have faves. But I’ve known amanechan, juzz_d13d, and _frozenflames_ since my first journal, back in 2004-ish.

35. How many of your LJ friends are your friends in real life? 1 - Channy (channy17_0)

36. How many of your LJ friends have you actually met? All of them. I wish.

37. Have you ever e-mailed or IM'ed someone you found on LJ? Yep, except for a few.

38. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you? Hm… well, _frozenflames_ and I like almost the same things. And amanechan and I are quite alike, I suppose.

39. Who is the most intelligent or insightful person you know on LJ? *shrugs* They all seem pretty intelligent and insightful to me. ^^

40. Who is the most fun person you know on LJ? amanechan, channy17_0, and i_love_boyz96. But that’s just cause they’re the ones who IM/email me the most.

41. Who is your least favorite/most annoying LJ user or community? channy17_0 Nah, just kiddin’. But she does get a bit annoying sometimes.

42. How do you usually find new friends on LJ? Communities.

43. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list? I just want friends, plain and simple. I’ll add pretty much anyone.

44. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first? Yep.

What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list? Don’t have a reason, like I said, I’ll add pretty much anyone.

45. Do you care if someone adds you to his or her friends list if you add him or her first? No.

Would you remove them from yours if they didn't? *shrugs*

46. Are there any peoples' journals, communities, interests, or searches you frequent on LiveJournal that you don't or will not list in your user info page? No.

47. Is your "Significant Other" on LJ? No.

48. Other than your S.O., who are you the most attracted to on LJ? No one. All I have are girl friends.

49. Who is the sexiest person you know on LJ? No one.

50. Have you ever fantasized about someone on LJ? Not in a sexual way, I just thought about if we all lived in the same town/city.

51. Would you want to know if someone fantasized about you on LJ? …no.

52. Would you date someone you met on LJ? Hell no.

53. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ? Yeah, I’d like to meet a few of my friends. ^^

54. Have you ever actually met someone from LJ romantically (or otherwise) and hit it off (or not)? No.

55. Have you ever posted a naughty picture / post / story on LJ? Gawd no!

56. Do you prefer to post from a Client or the Web Interface? …

57. Do you use HTML to add extras to your entries? Sometimes.

58. Is your LJ page customized, template, or default? Default, for now.

59. Do you usually use the Winamp music detector, add you music manually, or none at all? I add mine manually.

60. How well do you know the LJ features and how to use it? I know them fairly well.

61. What is your favorite LJ feature? *shrugs*

62. What is your least favorite LJ feature (one that you would change or delete if you could)? That I have to pay like $15 to change my username.

63. What feature would you most like to see added to LJ? More icons, and the ability to change your name for free (or at least, less than $15.)

64. What moods would you most like to see added to LJ? None.

65. "One day the directory will work again." How long until you believe until that day will come? 33 days.

And this is stolen from staygoldgreaser

If there is someone on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist and who you would not have met (in real life or not without the internet), then post this same sentence in your journal.

Mmkay, I'm off.

[music| Stan - Eminem f. Dido]
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