Life. At the moment, it sort of feels like I have one. RL is kicking my butt right now, and I barely have time to do the Criminal Minds recap this week. Then again, just as well, because there's not much to say.
EXCEPT THAT OMG THAT WAS THE GROSSEST THING EVER. I don't think I've been this creeped out by an episode in a while.
Let's get the awful out of the way first: the rotten/mummified body of the child that her mother, of all people, found. In a way, it's good that this show is still able to creep me out every now and again, but Jesus Christ, I honestly didn't think they'd go there. And they showed the body! OMG, cannot unsee!
Never mind that in real life, the entire house probably would've reeked of death. Ugh, that was just too gross.
Not much to say about the episode, because a) Emily seemed to be MIA again most of the episode, and b) even JJ's role was quite small. It was lovely to see more Garcia, though, no matter how unrealistic the plot itself was.
1. Oh, look! It's Pamela from Army Wives! She did a brilliant job as Monica; I could practically feel the anguish she carried for her daughter. Yep, such a happy, cheerful episode!
2. Oh, JJ. Looking mighty fine as always. Good Lord, this woman makes me feel funny in my pants just by standing there!
...aaaaand that was entirely too much information. Brb, ground swallowing me whole. And when did my LJ turn into the command centre of JJ ogling?
3. Emily/JJ hotness. Oh, how I've missed thee! They look so damn good together. ♥ For some reason, this reminded me of that other Emily/JJ scene in "Revelations", when they were questioning the old farmer together.
Also, JJ UR COAT SO GAY OMG. And Emily's definitely a little more...highbrow this season.
4. Emily and her FEELINGS~ Emily: [to a girl they're questioning] I know you struggle to let people in, because you're afraid of losing them.
The look on her face? She was talking about herself. And why don't they show JJ's face, WHY?! It would've been glorious, because I bet JJ was all 'omg, my bb! C'mere and let me make it all better by giving you a gay!hug'.
5. It's familiar faces everywhere. It's Agent Anderson! I love it that they keep bringing him back from time to time. Continuity. Love it!
6. Kevlar hotnesssssssss. Damn, JJ is such a mothereffing badass these days! Also, bonus: Emily in jeans,
Next week: Repeat.
What a difficult episode to recap. Harumph.
Anyway, judging by the following featurette about the female characters of this show, it seems like A.J. Cook is well aware of the new 'turn' her character has taken. As in, JJ becoming the show's biggest butch. I approve.