Well, it's certainly been a while! I blame work, uni, tumblr and more work. Life's been so damn hectic that I didn't even have the time to recap the previous Criminal Minds episode. So, here it is, in all its glory.
There are two things worth mentioning when it comes to this episode:
JJ: [trying to get a victim to talk] Mi nombre es Jennifer. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Someone's been getting private lessons from Agent Prentiss, I'm just saying.
2) Emily got her mojo back (and then lost it between this and the next episode).
Hnnnnh! There was only one thought going through my head when I saw Emily's wardrobe choices for this particular episode:
All in all, the episode was actually quite good. We didn't find out who the unsub was until at the very end (I've missed that sort of storytelling!), and the case itself was actually rather interesting.
That being said, this week's episode was just...want-to-shoot-myself-to-the-leg bad. The plot was ridiculously obvious, and the faint attempt to make the case "fascinating" failed miserably. It didn't help that everyone could tell who the unsub was 50 seconds into the episode.
Matters worth noting:
1) Emily, get rid of the goddamn turtlenecks! They're so not flattering, and they don't suit you.
2) JJ, you're so damn pretty, I can't take it!
God, looking at JJ, I'm almost tempted to continue watching this drivel next season.
3) Flawless bitches, both of them.
JJ: Oh, look Emily! We found your gay mojo! It was hiding behind the dumpster in the CBS lot this entire time.
Next week: More Morgan angst. Wonderful.
Oh, what a waste of space that episode was. And given the spoilers regarding the season finale, I'm not really lookinf forward to the upcoming episodes. Shame.
So, the usual YouTube video to wrap up the post. This following makes the linguist in me cry tears of utter joy. Accents! A whole lot of them!
Click to view
So. much. love. ♥