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Aug 22, 2005 20:07

The Random Question Meme!

An array of completely random questions about my friends!
Will fiercest_calm_ ever amount to anything?No, never. ;)What is shewillnotbreak's favorite meal?This I do not know. Can nowhere_lady solve a Rubik's Cube?Probably, she's pretty smart.. What was dahliablue wearing, the last time you noticed?Something snazzy...What happened the last time you and judeshine were hanging out together?Unfortunately we've never hung out. Doesn't _avenues have anything better to do?Nah, she should slack off right now. School's starting soon.If you had the chance to sleep with beloved_juno, would you?Like in sleeping bags, at a slumber party? Sure! When's the last time you saw julietsleeps?At the Ani concert, and hopefully again next week at Tori! viciouscrotch is in a maze of twisty passages, all alike. What now?He'll come through.. he just needs to have faith.What is the_grin's religion?I don't even like expressing my own religious views, so I won't touch on this one. What historical figure does novinha78 most remind you of?Joan of ArcWhom is inoxia attracted to?Nobody here that I know of... but I know she has an interest in a boy from Europe. What is the strangest thing maggieblue has ever said to you?Nothing strange... she's a cool chick and we've been friends for quite some time. Why shouldn't goovie and cutfever103 be a couple?Well goovie is taken as far as I know, and I don't know cutfever103 well enough to know she'd be into that :)How will hrh die?Goodness, I don't know.. Where would you take del_castillo on a vacation?Somewhere tropical, just because that's where'd I'd want to go. :)Did sparklesnort take the blue pill, or the red pill?Neither, she had a strawberry margarita instead.What animal does _subterfuge_ most remind you of?A cat.What does cathedralheat look for in a significant other?Sense of humor, they must be funny. And hot. Can senorpisa do a headstand?If it'd make someone laugh... I'd imagine so.
This is by heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions here.

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