(no subject)

Jan 31, 2007 19:51

I'll keep things somewhat succinct, and list - but not so succinct, in that there are many new things that abound in Lyssa-land:

* I am ordering circular rosewood knitting needles for my sweater - and they'll double for working on this beautiful shawl pattern that I found: http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/. Go to the Free Patterns link on the right, and click on the Snowflake Shawl (pdf file). (I'm giving up on the sampler shawl, I have too much built-up resentment with that pattern - never with the yarn, just the pattern).

* Still job hunting, alas, I hope I find something soon.

* I tried doing a rough sketch last night of that pic I'm going to draw, and at first it looked great. Then I slept on it, looked at it again, and it looks terrible. ToT Perfectionist that I am, I am finding way too many minor flaws in it to make me happy. So, sketch #2 shall be completed soon...

* Tonight I have an urge to work on Eric's Dr. Baltar costume, specifically to finish sewing up the jacket. I need to hand-sew the seam connecting top and bottom halves, sew the cuff seams (I'm thinking hand-sew), and sew the bottom hem (again, maybe hand-sew). Maybe tomorrow I can sew up the pants, and then go to the black hole sometime this weekend to make buttonholes! *o*

* The gym is freaking awesome. Seriously. It helps take away my nervous energy, my crankiness and stress, makes me feel good - and good about myself...I'm thinking 1 1/2 hours, three times a week, will be good for me.

* Homework sucks. I've got a ton of it due next week, so as much as I want to draw, knit, and sew (not necessarily in that order), I need to cram in work for a 2-3 page essay, a 10 minute presentation, 60 Arabic sentences with new words, plus normal Arabic studying, another 2-page essay, plus at least 2 long reading assignments. >.<#

* Wow, I didn't realize it was that much. Homework really sucks.

* Our microwave died (we realized something was wrong when it said "J", and then it just refused to work anymore), so I'm getting to do slightly more work when preparing meals now, what fun...

* Are any of you guys' hands getting to that awful point of winter where they crack and bleed all over the place? Yeah, mine are doing that. So not fun.

* I've got about 7 inches done on the front of Eric's sweater. *o* (have I already mentioned that?)

* I got about $1000 extra in PELL grant $, because our family's fucked up. Yay!

That's pretty much it, whoo!

Good night, all, and have fun!
Love, Lyssa
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