I hope everyone's doing well today. I'm having one of those "I can't wait until it's the freaking weekend already" weeks, as well as the realization "OMG, there are only 2 weeks left in February, I'm so screwed..."
Okay, things to address:
Whit, I do not know if you have SSI mail. I'm sorry Mom was mean, and that Dylan couldn't give you a straight answer...I could try to find out via email to Mom, or something (we just did laundry, so we shouldn't need to go over there for awhile). Also, is there any way you could ask her to forward/mail your mail to you periodically? She did that with me when I was working in MN, and it worked fine - plus, that way you don't need to make pointless trips down here just to get your mail.
Crys, I could indeed make that dragon for you. What colors would you like the main body and the spikes to be? I know you like blue, so part of me was thinking blue for the body, and purple or orange for the spikes - but let me know what you want! And specific colors, if you please, not just "blue." In the knitting world, there are endless types of blues.
And Whit, you don't need to feel limited by those options, I have found far more cool knitting patterns than the sock monkey hat and fingerless gloves:
http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter06/PATTnorberta.html - Of course, a reprise of the dragon pattern, in case you wanted one, too (not sure why you would, but hey, don't want to discriminate).
http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter05/PATTpocketcreatures.html - I wouldn't need to put the lavender in them, but if you wanted something besides gloves to warm your hands, and if you have a microwave (I think you do), I could do these.
http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter05/PATTmarleysghost.html - Er...if, for some reason, you wanted a chain scarf, then this might work... o.O
http://knitty.com/ISSUEspring06/PATTnautie.html - Nautie!!! *o* I thought this pattern might be of interest to you - dude, I'm so knitting one for myself (or "for my kids" - but it'll really be for me) someday.
http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter04/PATTpasha.html - A stuffed penguin, if you'd like.
http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer06/PATTsockmonkey.html - Here's an actual picture of the sock monkey hat, so you can decide if it's something you'd really want.
http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter06/PATTsheldon.html - Sheldon the Turtle, isn't he cute?
And here are some other knitting patterns that are just strange, but I thought you guys might find amusing:
http://web.archive.org/web/20060212100405/www.strangebuttrewe.com/knitGI.htm - A knitted digestive system, which made me laugh; tried showing it to Eric, and rather than being impressed, he gave me one of those WTF looks...
http://funknitsforkids.com/2007/01/10/dragonscarf.aspx - Don't think I could make this for a b-day, but it's a tremendously fun-looking pattern. *o*
http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter04/PATTwomb.html - Er...knitted uterus, anyone? o.o'''
On another topic, have you guys heard anything about Barack Obama? He sounds like a really cool Democratic candidate for the 2008 presidential election, so if he makes it through the Democratic primaries, I hope you guys'll consider voting for him.
Here's a link to a speech that he gave about his presidential platform (-oops, this one is just about universal health care):
http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/electioncentral/2007/jan/25/obama_the_time_has_come_for_universal_health_care_in_america The highlights, if you don't have time to look, are as follow:
* Wants to find a way to institute universal health care by the end of the next president's first term
* Here's a fascinating paragraph explaining a bit of his stance on health care: "We pay $15 billion more in taxes because of the cost of care for the uninsured. And it’s trapped us in a vicious cycle. As the uninsured cause premiums to rise, more employers drop coverage. As more employers drop coverage, more people become uninsured, and premiums rise even further."
* Ooh, I love this guy: "Another, more controversial area we need to look at is how much of our health care spending is going toward the record-breaking profits earned by the drug and health care industry. It’s perfectly understandable for a corporation to try and make a profit, but when those profits are soaring higher and higher each year while millions lose their coverage and premiums skyrocket, we have a responsibility to ask why."
Okay, here's the actual speech I was talking about:
http://www.barackobama.com/2007/02/10/remarks_of_senator_barack_obam_11.php * He also wanted to fully support ethanol (which helps the Midwest greatly), and research for alternative fuels/more fuel-efficient cars
* He wanted to pull all U.S. troops out of Iraq by spring 2008, and honor them in their homecoming
* He wants to reform pay standards for teachers, and give them closer to what they deserve (whoo!)
* He wants to lay fiber down across the U.S., so that everyone can have broadband Internet access, not just people in cities
Well, have a great weekend, everyone!
Love, Lyssa