sff: Chimera and Grace

Jul 14, 2021 19:35

This got longish, so cutting (also, like, spoilers for episodes that are a decade old?)

I had forgotten that Grace was the "Sam moves on from Jack (the safe bet), and learns that she is incomplete without a man" episode. (I remember being so offended by the safe bet line, let me tell you. Even now, as much as I mostly don't ship it anymore, I'm still offended about it)

and like, I sort of get it. Most women want the whole thing: marriage, kids, legacy, etc., thing. And Sam is a pretty conventional woman! So it makes sense that a part of her does want all of that! I just... isn't saving the world and exploring the galaxy and SCIENCE so much cooler?


I guess I'm glad they gave her more of an inner life? I just wish inner life for a female character didn't automatically mean "HUSBAND AND KIDS YAY" (although, to be fair, I don't know what Sam's thoughts are on kids)

(LBR, here, my inner life is writing fanfiction and reading internet arguments)

Also, I'd never realized that Sam's hallucination was Alison from PLL (I think Havoc pointed that out, though I didn't remember it). But I had the hardest time taking her seriously due to that - I kept muttering, "Sam, don't listen to her, she's evil!"

Fallout was a sad farewell to Jonas (except for that hair. WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR, JONAS. IT'S AWFUL). Though I was surprised by how much I liked the goa'uld, even if she was an evil spy.

It also continued wrapping up older episode plot-threads/people from previous seasons (were they worried about cancellation?) that felt like a bit of a theme. I also appreciated the idiotic and bickering council members (if only for Daniel's constant pained looks).

Also, I don't think I've commented on this, but I greatly approve the newer Tok'ra costumes. That beige leather/oven mitt look was just... bad. I guess if you're trying to be the NOT Ra, you go for boring dullness. But did it have to be so fugly? Also, unless you're constantly on deserts, they look like they stand out all over the place.

So, Chimera.

First, I want to talk about Sarah, and how Anna Louise Plowman did such an interesting job with how she held herself (and the makeup helped, too?) - I really felt that I was watching two different women as she went back and forth between Sarah and Osiris in this one (I didn't re-watch the first one with Sarah yet, I don't remember if that had any impact on how she moved/acted).

I mean, the switches in lighting helped, too - all brown and gold for Sarah and dark and blue with Osiris.

I'm a bit disappointed that we didn't really get to watch her move around in her new outfit more; I've been digging Osiris's wardrobe since Summit/Last Stand, so the jumpsuit felt a little different. Not enough netting this time? Although she had the collar/necklace thing going.

Second, wow, are Sam's boobs on display in that coffee shop. Like, I am not surprised some dude would chat her up. (Vala is quite disappointed she missed that outfit) Also, Sam's civvie clothing is all skirts, apparently. Which is... all right? I assume they were trying to do the "she's well-rounded, not just a tomboy" thing. I just... Pants are probably harder to find for her tall legs?

Third, I really worry for Sarah. I have to wonder how much she'd want to stick around after an experience like that. She didn't look happy when Daniel said he'd help her through it (he's probably the last person she wants around, reminding her of the trauma).

Four, Sam and Pete are cute! I enjoy their flirtiness and fun, and the sex (Sam needs sex, which she might not be getting from the team right now, plus, team sex = no feelings, they totally swear - more on that later). Although, I'm not sure how cheap and kinda... embarrassing it is for him to crash some couple's wedding anniversary. I don't know if they were trying for "he's not like anyone Sam knows, that's why she falls for him, yay." angle or what.

And I could sort of understand the morning conversation. Except that I hate the fact that most of the time when a dude is a spy/secret agent, etc., he never has this issue--and even if he does, it's always down-played, and his SO is Wrong For Doubting.

When it's a woman keeping secrets from a man? Well, just the two examples I know of: Sam Carter and Gwen Cooper - BOTH of them are the Bad Guy for not trusting the man in their life. And both of them have said men follow them and screw shit up! And neither dude actually ever gets framed as WRONG. It's always the woman who is horrible for not letting a man into her secret life.

I mean, wtf, what part of "I'm not allowed to tell you about my job" equals "that means I don't trust you, and you're allowed to pull all sorts of bullshit on me and guilt me into telling you, because I'm just a weak and feeble woman too stupid to keep a secret"


This is a larger rant about how women aren't allowed to keep their own secrets, and probably belongs elsewhere.

So, Pete.

I've gone all over the map with my opinion on Pete over the years. I didn't really like him much, I've certainly killed him off a time or two in fic, I've written one or two HEA fics for him with Sam, I liked that he made Sam happy, I've defended him a time or two as "ok"...

And, I'd forgotten that his tenure as Sam's boyfriend starts with him accusing her of not trusting him, then turning around and showing he has zero fucking trust in her, as he has an FBI friend run a background check on her.

What the actual fuck.

This? This was the guy Sam is supposed to trust will consider her an equal in their relationship? The dude who can't even trust her?

The SGC might run a check on him (BECAUSE HE NOW KNOWS ABOUT THE SGC, and that is their fucking job, to keep that trust). But Sam? Sam is not going to run a background check on a dude.

(now, Root and Sameen Shaw would totally run background checks on each other, and that wouldn't bother me, and I think they even have. But their relationship is built more on other things, like enjoying shooting people together)

Sam doesn't even seem angry about the fact that he blew their operation and got himself injured by sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. Instead, she happily tells him about the Stargate, and rewards him for not trusting her.

And I do remember what happens with Pete, and honestly think that him buying her a house without consulting her is totally expected, given how much he's never trusted her.

They could have avoided the anger if they'd just done something like, oh, tied Pete's case into Daniel somehow (maybe he ends up seconded to the department there to cover a series of break-ins in Daniel's neighborhood and someone reports the van and/or the flash from Osiris entering/leaving...).

Ugh. I will try to not hate Pete as the episodes go on.

I don't intend to kill him again. At least, I don't think I do. Cross-posted from Dreamwidth. (comment wherever)


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