Mar 30, 2005 15:55
joanneblomquist: i get it.. i wasn't trying to duck you
joanneblomquist: heh
mulderguy1: that was fowl
joanneblomquist: birds of a feather....
mulderguy1: oh, i know. i'm down
mulderguy1: i'm DOWN
joanneblomquist: now you're just winging it
joanneblomquist: WINGING it
mulderguy1: you win
mulderguy1: i can't foot the bill on this charade anymore
joanneblomquist: beakareful how quickly you cede
joanneblomquist: heh
mulderguy1: toocan only make jokes for so long
joanneblomquist: you're right,.. i guess it doesn't matter feather you win or's how well you play
mulderguy1: did you notice the stork contrast between our jokes? mine are the good ones. :-D
joanneblomquist: you 've been robin me of my punchlines all along
mulderguy1: could you try turkey-p your lame comments to yourself, just one time?
joanneblomquist: i have to face it... i canary get ahead of you
mulderguy1: you'll just have to swallow your pride
joanneblomquist: and wren-der myself useless?
mulderguy1: you can only emu-late me for so long
joanneblomquist: you must be a raven lunatic
mulderguy1: talk about wearing it thin... that crack was ostrich, even for you
joanneblomquist: i'm a rhea(l) cut-up
mulderguy1: oof. you laid an egg with that one
joanneblomquist: not my fault if you can't take a yolk
mulderguy1: i can too! you're scrambling my words
joanneblomquist:'re just albumin idiot
mulderguy1: i don't like this gamete's stupid!
joanneblomquist: well good...cau-zygote-oo go
mulderguy1: ii was feeling a little down earlier, but embreyo-k, now
joanneblomquist: chick your facts sometime
mulderguy1: i've been through hen and high water to be accurate
mulderguy1: cell your blasphemy to someone else
joanneblomquist: quit your squawkin'
mulderguy1: oh, that was cheep
mulderguy1: cheep cheep cheep
joanneblomquist: good to see you peck your words carefully
mulderguy1: i hate to let fly careless words
joanneblomquist: well maybe you'll comb your hair instead
mulderguy1: oh wow, good one. it gave me goosebumps
joanneblomquist: alar-ming isn't it?
mulderguy1: not especially... i keep a-breast to the bird jokes
joanneblomquist: as aerie as your head is?
mulderguy1: ah, nest we forget where i came from?
joanneblomquist: maybe you should just give up the bird thing and get yourself a b-eagle
mulderguy1: i couldn't give this up if i was on death crow
joanneblomquist: well maybe you could tweet me to some real jokes
mulderguy1: after all these terrible jokes, i'll be keeping my han dove er my mouth for a while
joanneblomquist: maybe it is better if you peep your comments to yourself
mulderguy1: this is why when i talk about you and dad, people say 'your parrots are weird'
mulderguy1: GAME OVER!
mulderguy1: i should have been in and out of the shower 10 minutes ago
joanneblomquist: lol
mulderguy1: besides, i know you were using the dictionary alar and what not
joanneblomquist: you are sooo jealous!