Yesterday I wrote a few drabbles on
tumblr based on prompts that people gave me. They gave me a pairing, a setting and a prompt and I was supposed to write 3 sentence drabble.
rainbow-connec's prompt "Castle, the ring, A/G":
This was a bad idea, a very, very bad idea.
Arthur had thought that he could trust his best friend servant with the most precious object he owned - a precious gift that he was going to give his Guinevere.
Instead he was in Gaius’s work chambers waiting for his dog Penn to do his business.
Withkissesfour prompt "A/G, corridor, noses":
The castle is surround by millions of Cenred’s soldiers ready to attack, to take over Camelot.
Everyone is busy hurrying to prepare the castle for the siege, praying that their families will be safe, worrying that it won’t be.
How the hell are we going to get through this, Merlin thinks as he carries some of the supplies down the corridor. Then he passes one of the alcoves and sees two dark figures, their faces inches apart, their noses pressed together and though he can not see their faces he knows that it is them. And suddenly the light of moon flickers across their faces and it fills him with hope.
rubber-glue's prompt " stable, A/G, kiss":
Gwen loved the stable. Not because it housed the horses or was the perfect hiding place for hide and seek when she was little.
But because it was perfect for sneaking upon her unsuspecting lover.
Finally her opportunity comes, there are footsteps coming towards her, she tugs at his arm and pulls him towards her, his chest flush against hers. “Hello!” she says with a very cheeky grin on her face before she tugs at his shirt and leans up and gives him a kiss.