Title: Happy Times Spent Together
Pairings: Jonghyun/Key, Onew/Jonghyun, Minho/Taemin, Minho/Key, Onew/Key
Rating: PG-13
Summary: see below.
a/n: enjoy ♥
penance - onew/key
For weeks after he left the hospital, he deliberately avoided the streets where he had first seen him, Seoul's well-appointed mile of fashionable hotels and clothing stores. He avoided his apartment as well, where the best--and worst--of the memories lingered. As soon as he was able, he occupied his time taking long walks, and let the icy wind cut sharply across his face, his boots sinking deep into the heavy, damp snow.
There were those occasions when Jonghyun bullied him into dinner with Taemin and Minho, and watched him from across the table with worried eyes. Jinki shouldered his way through the small talk, making his usual round of lame jokes, and escaped as soon as it was courteous.
The nights passed, and if he occasionally flinched at the glimpse of a dark haired boy on the street, well, perhaps that was part of his penance.
why? - jonghyun/key
Jonghyun whispers it to Kibum's collarbone, to his left breast, to his right hip. He's been saying it for weeks now, ever since the first time they were together. Kibum had always been shocked, every time, and mumbled an acknowledgement or repeated the words back like an echo. Tonight, though -- and maybe it's the soft, secret smile that plays on Jonghyun’s lips while he speaks the words, but suddenly Kibum's possessed by an urgent, desperate need to know.
"Why?" he asks. The note of desperation in his voice is jolting, unnerving. Embarrassing. "Why do you love me?"
The question seems to catch Jonghyun off guard, somewhere around Kibum’s shoulder. He pauses, kisses him there. Licks his lips and appears to consider an answer.
"Because you're beautiful," he says quietly. "Because you're amazing." His lips moving against the younger boys’ arm sending a shiver through Kibum, deep into his belly, where Jonghyun’s hand strokes invisible patterns across his skin. "I guess ... I guess because you let me."
Kibum cards his fingers through Jonghyun’s hair, and wonders what would happen if he stopped letting him.
scar - jonghyun/onew
Jonghyun loves the scar in the middle of Jinki's back. The first time they had sex, he spent ages kissing it and touching it, until Jinki laughed and pushed him away, twisting them round until Jonghyun was pinned to the bed with Jinki on top of him. But he still can't leave it alone, pressing his lips against it when they take a shower together, brushing his fingers over it when Jinki gets undressed, kissing it when they're in bed. It's proof, to Jonghyun at least, that the pure, innocent, “no-thank-you” leader act is just that - an act. People who are that closed off don't wind up with large scars across their back, put there by their best friend because they're about to do something dumb for the sake of love.
He knows firsthand how passionate Jinki can be, but he likes that there's a mark that proves it.
kilos - minho/key
When Kibum gets home from his annual health assessment, he sits Minho down and demands to know why Minho didn't tell him he'd put on twenty kilos, as though it's Minho's fault he didn't adjust his diet to suit his more sedentary lifestyle. Minho just shrugs, and climbs into Kibum's lap, pushing his hands inside Kibum's slightly too-tight shirt and stroking his stomach.
"I love you, dumb ass, not your looks. And you're not fat - just a little heavier than when I first met you."
Kibum points out that twenty kilos is not 'a little', but it's difficult to argue when Minho's peeling him out of his uniform, pressing kisses to his (maybe slightly softer than it once was) jaw.
"Course, you could always do a bit more work in bed, if you're worried," Minho tells him. "Instead of just lying there on your big bottom."
He grins cheekily, laughing as Kibum growls and tackles him to the floor and sets about proving just how little that label applies to him.
broken - jonghyun/key
Jonghyun had seen people with broken hearts but Kibum, though: he was a mess and Jonghyun couldn't really blame him. Going from being with Jinki to being without him - that was enough to break anyone. End of that first week without Jinki, he ran across Kibum slouched against the brick wall outside the back door of the club they worked at, smoking. Jonghyun paused, and Kibum glared at him, so Jonghyun leaned back neatly against the wall next to him, watching him out of the corner of his eye.
"Move it along, Jonghyun, nothing to see here." Kibum took another drag. His hand was shaking, just a little.
"So how was the first week?" Jonghyun tucked his hands into his pants pockets.
"Fuck off."
Jonghyun nodded slowly. "You find a place to live? You didn’t keep your old apartment while you lived with him, did you?"
"Fuck. Off." Kibum had his eyes shut, his head tilted back against the wall, the long line of his neck looking pale in the late-afternoon sunlight. He raised his hand and took another drag without opening his eyes.
Jonghyun pushed off the wall, straightened his long gMinho coat around him. "You're so sweet, Kibum, no wonder Jinki fell in love with you."
He was ready for it, so Kibum's punch only knocked him back half a step. Kibum stood there in front of him, hands clenched into fists, panting with anger and ready to go. Jonghyun rubbed his jaw - not a bad punch for the most girlish guy he knew- and tilted his head a little. "C'mon," he said, turning around and heading for his car. "I'll buy you a beer."
don’t tease me because i’m young - taemin/minho
Taemin's not sure when or why Minho started buying gay magazines, but the first he knows about it is when Minho tells him about a quiz which patently has no scientific basis, claiming to be able to determine how 'gay' you are. Minho fills it out with an enthusiasm quite disproportionate to the task, and gleefully reports that while he may be 'quite gay', thanks to his dancing and the inordinate amount of money he spends on hair products, Taemin is 'gayer than Christmas - a great big flaming queen. You go, girlfriend!'
Taemin is horrified at this assessment, and insists on taking the quiz himself. To his disquiet, it transpires that Minho was right, and Taemin scores more highly on the 'gayometer' than Minho.
"It was the dress," Minho tells him, not even attempting to hide his amusement. "You should never have admitted to owning a dress. It's a slippery slope now, Taemin buddy. Before you know it, you'll be wearing spandex and listening to SNSD."
Taemin pulls a face at him, and decides not to mention the fact that 'Into the New World' was one of the first albums he bought when he left home.
There are some things Minho just doesn't need to know.