I got tagged by i_am_a_cylon

Aug 01, 2006 01:36

Instruction: Once you've been tagged, you have to write six random facts about yourself. In the end you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names.

My tags under the cut

1. My favorite gum is Orbit, Bubblemint flavor.

2. I love the smell of lavendar.

3. I don't like wearing socks....ever!

4. I still dress up for Halloween.

5. First thing I do when I wake up is drink a can of Pepsi.

6. Never seen all of Disney's animated Peter Pan but I adore Tinkerbell...make sense?

*If you don't do these let me know and I won't tag you again.*
I Tag...ckojlfbugchicklv awkwardwinker roguedemonhunte lmichelle599 little5150d
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