mhmm, survey

Apr 05, 2003 17:32

stolen from dinosaurus

Name: Sarah
Age: Fourteen
Year in school: 8th
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius


Is punk rock dead?: hmm, if we kill avril, and all the other posers, I don't think it would be.
Vampires- cool or un cool?: hmm, cool, as long as they don't bite me :D lol
Is the government going to hell?: unfortunately, yes, yes they are
Do you know what AFI stands for?: I used to. lol. I forgot
Wasn't the care bear stare just the coolest thing when you were little?: Hell yes! I loved care bares <33
Those feet pajamas were fuckin annoying werent they?: yes, i hated them. my mom got mad when i cut the feet off of one pair. lol
Summer or winter?: spring. lol. i dont really like the cold, or hot. so, spring or fall.
What is the best form of art?: Music. <3
Are you allergic to poison ivy?: er...who isnt?
Ever hang out with Mr. Peace Pipe?: sumtimes
What year in school was the worst?: every year, 'cept for kindergarten
The best saturday night live movie is: What the hell? they have movies?
Arent cats just adorable?: Yessss. <33

# of friends on your b/l: on AIM 112 (i deleted a whole bunch the other day)
How many friends do you hang out with regularly?: gezz, umm, i can only think of like 10 right now. lol
Do you have a prom date? (or did you): um, im in middle school
How many people have you kissed?: er.....::thinks:: alot
Have you lost touch with friends in the past few years?: Yes. :\
# of people you talk to on the phone regularly: that was tony. :\


Ever had sex?: yes
Oral?: yes
Homosexual thoughts?: no.
Does porn turn you on?: depends.
Does the word "wang" make you laugh?: Haha yes.
Have you ever masturbated places other than your own personal bedroom?: no


If you could go to any country, where would you go?: Itally (But really, I want to go to every country.)
Would you ever go "down under?": Yessum.
Road trips are great huh?: I like them.
Have you ever been on one?: yesum
Have you ever gone out of the country?: no. :\
Would you ever live out of the country?: Yes.
Lets go to India together: lemme pack my bags.


Movie theaters.. A-SUCK or B-ROCK: depends on who's there with me, ;-)
How about the drive-in?: drive in movies? or like micky d's? lol
What was the last movie you watched?: goldmember. movies keep getting more and more perverse
The cutest actress is: Ahh. Cutest? beverly mitchell, because she looks like me, lol, just kidding, i dont really know.
What about actor?: Heath Ledger. Eric Von Detten, Josh Heartnett, And other boys whose names I don't know.
Best band: So many.. Anti-Flag, Rancid, NoFX, HIM, Dimmu Borgir, Slipknot (i like sum of there songs) No Doubt's old stuff, and the list goes on...
Ever been to a local show? yes
If so, what band did you see?: suffering made whole, and a whole shit load of other bands. i cant think of them right now. lol
Best music genre: Punk. Ska. Hardcore. Metal. Emo. i like almost everything
Do you like emo?: ...yes. lol
Ever gone to the opera?: No
What about a broadway play?: Yes.


So what did you think?: this wasnt that bad
What are you thinking?: I'm hungry. i need a nice boyfriend. i've lost touch with to many of my good sun burn hurts. lol.
fun fun
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