another survey

Apr 06, 2003 05:37

stolen from spongebobsbabe

Name: Sarah
B.Day: January 25
Middle Name: Jean (my name is boring, isnt it?)
Siblings: 1
Crush: I still love Tony.. =(
BF or GF: nope, im a single bitch, holla. lol
Animals: hmm, i have 1 cat, i had 2, but my mom gave mine to my grandma (my mom is a bitch like that, i was away for vacation, and i come back and my cat is gone)
Nephews or nieces: no

+ + Faves

Fave Colors: red, black
Fave Animal: cats
Fave Drink: coffee, smernoff ice, coke, orange juice. :D
Fave thing to do when alone: listen to music, write in my journal, think about worthless shiot
Fave thing to do with friends: Laugh, hangout, and go places
Fave thing to do with your best friend: damn, i love doing everything (well, not like that, but, you know, hangout, mean guys, party, get drunk, lol, stuff like that) with my friends
Fave Food: pizza, NOT take out. that shit sucks. lol. and i like ice cream.
Fave place to be: with friends
Fave store: hmm, i dont know.
fave book: Aimee by mary beth miller, and the book CUT (i forgot the author, lol)
fave flower: rose, birds of paridice, i like all the pretty flowers and stuff. lol
fave car: hmm, bmw's,
fave holiday: Christmas, my birthday, Holloween
fave saying: awww. fruit. hush, go to sleep.
Fave piece of clothing: shirts?
Fave sport: gaurd. (dance with flags, rifles, and sabers.)
Fave thing in your room: my cd player and cds? i dont really like my room
Fave Song: No Doubt-dont speak, and almost all the HIM songs.
Fave Group: theres to many to pick
Fave Singer: um...i dont really have one
Fave time to go to bed on weekends: lol is there a time? I dont know its always different
Fave time to go to bed during the week: when ever i can fall asleep.
Fave time to wake up: when ever i wake up. lol
Fave fruit: strawberries, banana's
Fave vegetable: err... french fries?
Fave smell: Axe...clinque happy

+ + What would you do if

You got pregnant: depends. i would freak. If the guy would stay with me, I would keep it. if not, abortion, or adoption.
Someone was stalking you: have them buy me stuff, then call the police
Significant other cheated on you?: i would cheat on him too. then dump him, or listen to his side of the story (like there is one. lol) then dump him.
You won a million bucks: jump up and down, then spend it. :D
You had time to do something: hang with my frendz
You were in a toy store: play with all the toys until they kicked me out. lol
You had to start a business(what kind would it be): clothes store. dance studio
Someone wanted to kick your ass: i'd get in their face, and tell them to back up what they were talking. :D im nice like that.
You had a year to live: do everything i wanted to do

+ + Opposite sex

First thing you notice: Eyes, hair, personility
Nicest thing about other people physically: hair. eyes
Worst thing: bad personality, no sense of humor.
Tall or short: average (thats taller than me. lol)
Blue, hazel, brown or green eyes?: it doesn't matter =)

+ + Between two

Summer or winter: Summer
Fall or spring: both
Skiing or boarding: Boarding
Giving or getting: Getting
Tornadoes or Hurricanes: Hurricanes
Black or white: Black
Drinking or drugs: drugs

+ + What makes you

Laugh: Everything, even stupid shit.
Cry: when i lose some one i love
Happy: my friends, and my boyfriend. when i feel loved.
Sad: alot of things
Mad: When people lie to me or talk false shit about me behind my back.

+ + In the past week

Have you cried: yeah, when tony and i broke up
Have you told someone you love them: Yes
Have you kissed anyone: yes
Have you laughed so hard you almost pissed your pants: Yes, (almost being the key word. lol)
Have you gotten drunk: yes
Have you gotten high: yes
Have you eaten anything disgusting: yes
Have you gone to mcdonalds: yes
Have you hugged anyone: yes
Have you had a fight with your parents(why): i always fight with them. they always start it though. its over stupid shit.
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