whoa who put out the Sun???
and isn't the moon or whatever supposed to move out of the Sun's way at some point? it's been like, 5 fricken hours already. weird shit.
hey Orga. the Meister's got a plan. listen up.
[ when it gets a bit darker, let's go Gundam-tipping. like cow tipping, get it? i bet everyone's too busy in their lit indoor places doing their boring lit indoors stuff to notice, and in pitch darkness we've got nothing to worry about. the suckers won't know what hit 'em when they see the mess in the morning.
also, y'think they sell fireworks here? i.e. those that give off pink sparks. and sound like nuclear explosions. i miss the bright lights and shinies, and i bet we can dress those fancy ZAFT Gundams up real pretty.
say, you wanna let Stellar in on this fun deal? ]
But before that, let's go play laser tag outside. well we don't have laser guns, but we do have Airsoft BBs. And
these. screw blacklight, we've got glow in the dark fabric paint. and if we get sick of shooting each other we have an entire town-ful of moving targets.