Title: L'amour des Trois Oranges
Author: Miss Anne Thropic
Pairing: Chiaki/Nodame
Summary: Love may be ridiculous, but there's only so much a person can take. A bit fluffy towards the end. =). Part of my Opera theme series.
Disclaimer: Oh the things I would do if they were mine *wanders off dreamily*
Reviews: Pretty Please?
Nodame is unique. This has never been questioned. Her persistent belief in the good of all things adds a sickeningly cliché tone to her character, yet it is not hard to find it endearing at times.
So when Chiaki gives her the cold shoulder, yet again for the thousandth time for introducing herself as his wife, Nodame smiles a little and completely disregards it.
He'll warm up to her eventually. He'll realize they're meant to be. She's sure of it.
Plus, every hundred cold shoulders or so, Chiaki does something so redeeming she doesn't doubt he loves her in his own way. Calling her and yelling at her for being unsafe when she doesn't show up at his door for dinner, coming over and making sure she's playing Grieg correctly (yelling at her when she doesn't), letting her take care of him after he pulls an all-nighter for some reason or another.
They don't happen often or regularly, but they're enough to keep her going.
She doesn't mind if he never really warms up to her. After all, she loves him just the way he is.
So she's content to take what she can get- content with his cold attitude and irritation.
Chiaki knows that Nodame is a part of his life. And an annoying, albeit important one at that. He's secretly thrilled that she's stuck with him for so long, without any real encouragement. Anyone would have just given up by now. She accepts him wholly- he's a little scared of how much she's willing to understand, and expects nothing in return.
This annoys him a little.
He wonders if she has such a low opinion of herself that she doesn't expect to receive any better. This thought angers him, but he tries not to consider why he's so riled up. He supposes he wants people to appreciate her more.
And so, even though he appreciates her persistent clinging to him, he is also angered by it. What right does she have to give so much and expect nothing? Chiaki has made no promises to her- she could get her heart completely broken. Has she no thought for self-preservation? Or does she believe so strongly that they'll end up together that she'll risk so much?
It bothers him.
It's valentine's day. Chiaki lags a little longer than usual before heading off, hoping Nodame will wake up early today and give him his chocolate. (Not that he'll admit it to anyone).
He doesn't particularly like sweets, but he does like the thought of Nodame making it for him.
At any rate, Nodame does not wake up early and Chiaki goes to work a little more bitter than usual. It's so like Nodame to sleep in just to annoy him. He conducts with a little more vigour than usual, the piece takes on an impatient tone.
It's noon before he knows it, and still no sign of Nodame. Perhaps she didn't make chocolate for him at all?
Chiaki almost breaks his baton at the thought of it.
But he knows there is chocolate. He could smell it the other day, wafting out from the kitchen, setting him in high spirits.
She couldn't have made them for someone else?
Chiaki does break his baton.
He excuses himself and goes to see if he has another in his music bag. Exiting and striding down the hall, he almost crashes into some girl turning around the corner.
"Sorry" he mumbles.
She blushes, smiling. She's one of the clarinet players, he recalls.
"Actually, I was just coming to give you this." She holds out a box neatly wrapped and topped with a bright red bow. Chiaki is bit stunned.
"Oh..." He stutters and before he can say anymore, she tiptoes and quickly kisses him on the cheek.
Shock doesn't begin to describe it.
What's worse, he turns just in time to see the end of Nodame's coat as she vanishes through the doors.
There has never been such a badly timed situation.
Nodame has never minded Chiaki being cold. She's always just assumed that that is how Sempai is. Now it seems to take on a whole new meaning.
Perhaps she's just been in his way the entire time?
If she sits and remembers correctly, he's never really said anything directly encouraging to her that was not about her piano skills.
She's been a bit of a fool.
She stares down at her chocolates for a bit, and for the first time since she's made chocolate- they seem silly.
Chiaki politely and curtly leaves clarinet girl to do the atypical run after the girl he's wronged. But when he finally catches sight of Nodame, he doesn't know what to do.
Having never given her any true affirmation of the nature of their relationship, he has no real reason to apologize. After all, he's spent so much time acting as if he found her attentions annoying- to apologize now would be to forever tie himself to her, an official act.
So he remains out of sight and annoyed. It's her fault after all; why did she not bring him chocolates in the morning?
Plus, he's sure that she'll be knocking on his door for dinner that night anyways.
Nodame doesn't go to Chiaki's for dinner.
Chiaki is worried, annoyed, and upset, all at once.
He chooses to do nothing.
Nodame is hungry. She wants to give in and just go to Chiaki like always- but she can't. She can't rely on him from now on, can she? He's not even hers. Perhaps he has always wanted to cook for someone else- she's been in the way.
She'll just have to be resourceful. She goes looking for a Macdonald's.
Two days and Nodame has not yet showed up for one meal. Chiaki can't take any more of this.
He knocks on her door, but it sounds like she's out. He never hears her enter or leave any more, no matter how hard he strains his ears.
He's unacquainted with this new silence. He's not sure he's as fond of being alone as he used to think.
He leaves her portion of the meal on her desk in her room with a short note.
"Eat this, okay? And don't forget to practice today."
He's not sure it expresses the full extent of his concern, but it's the most he can do at this point. He does, after all, still have his pride.
It carries on for quite a bit.
Two days turn into two weeks.
Two weeks turn into a month.
It's white day. Chiaki has never had to worry about white day before; has never really accepted all the chocolate from his fan girl club and has never wanted to give anything in return.
What a change of situation this year. He wants to give Nodame something, but since she didn't give him anything on Valentine's day, he really has no excuse.
It's been a month, Pride stopped being an issue two weeks ago.
He sneaks into her room and takes her trade-mark piano bag.
She wakes up around 11:00, as usual. He's standing in front of her door. She won't be able to sneak out today.
She squeaks in surprise when she opens the door to find a very pissed off Chiaki.
"You didn't give me chocolate on Valentine's day"
"Who says I have to give you chocolate?!"
"You made some, didn't you?"
"Maybe I didn't make them for you!"
"Then who did you make them for?!"
"Stop being silly. If you don't give me chocolate, I'm not giving you anything for white day."
That part may have slipped out unintentionally. Chiaki hadn't meant to mention it, but she's such an idiot sometimes.
"Why won't you give me my chocolate?"
"Uhh...I like Sempai as a friend only." She looks so damn pleased with herself.
"HUH?!" He's not pleased with where this is going.
"Plus...Sempai already seems to have someone, no?"
"What?! She's not like that. She just..." but Nodame's not really listening.
"I'm sorry if I got in the way... I just misunderstood, that's all". She seems on the verge of tears.
Lord help him.
He doesn't even care about the chocolate any more.
He holds out her bag.
Nodame gasps. It her piano bag- same as always, but with one addition. There's a small heart pinned over the "C" key.
A little note attached to the top.
"C for Chiaki?" she asks
Chiaki nods once, obviously embarrassed now.
Squealing, she flings her arms around him.
Chiaki's not so mad or embarrassed anymore.