Shadow Hearts Covenant! Despite being one of the most awesome RPGs I have ever encountered, I know all of two people who have played it (and one of those is because I talked them into it). It has everything I love about this sort of game. Battle system that is not just selecting menus! The Judgement Ring system is kind of a pain in the ass if you try to get constant criticals before you've gotten enough shit to customize 'em, but if you play safe it remains fun and awesome. There's several sidequests that involve doing agonizing things with 'em, but I managed it and I suck so it can't be too bad. Also they are 100% optional.
It has interesting plot! Some of it probably lost on me since I didn't play the first one, but it was still pretty decent stuff. It's at that peak in the series after it got out of dark and ultra creepy and before it got into the heights of crazy what, and as such has the best elements of both. (I have not played the others, only heard tales of various spooky dog monsters and talking kung-fu cats. I should probably fix this so I can speak from a position of authority and also because they look damn good).
I like the aspect of towns all over the world all over Eurasia, I like the sidequests - there's several for each character. Most crop up as you go along and grant 'em extra abilities as you do, and the ones for the ultimate abilities and equipment pop up near the end of the game. I like that they're all fairly different in style - most of the big abilities at the end require optional dungeons, but the continuous ones are tailored (literally in one case) for each character.
The characters! That is the aspect I like most. They've got utterly ridiculous concepts but they're easy to take seriously. Unless you consciously take a step back and think "I am flying to Russia in something called the Bacon Jet in order to expose Rasputin's demon cult plot along with a former German officer who sets her sword on fire by reading operas and a man who upgrades his semi-sentient puppet daughter by selling chef porn, watching Princess Anastasia bully my pet wolf, and hoping that the pilot does not notice that my friend the flamboyantly gay wrestling vampire superhero has stolen his mailbox and is carrying it around on his shoulders." The one sad thing is that they engage in less Antics than I would like. There's the occasional funny background event in cutscenes and generally some dialogue during character quests, but there could have been so much more. My secret dream is to RP with a big Shadow Hearts cast.
Day 1 - Very first video game.Day 2 - Your favorite character.Day 3 - A game that is underrated.
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game.
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were).
Day 6 - Most annoying character.
Day 7 - Favorite game couple.
Day 8 - Best soundtrack.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene.
Day 10 - Best gameplay.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times.
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper.
Day 15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes.
Day 17 - Favorite antagonist.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist.
Day 19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in.
Day 20 - Favorite genre.
Day 21 - Game with the best story.
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you.
Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style.
Day 24 - Favorite classic game.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing.
Day 26 - Best voice acting.
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever.
Day 28 - Favorite game developer.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up loving.
Day 30 - Your favorite game of all time.