This is a beautiful vid. I don't really know anything about BSG, but this vid stands alone just fine. I was completely convinced that this was Lee's actual backstory on the show.
Sorry I'm so late to respond to this vid comments. And thank you very much for telling me you enjoyed - it's so nice to know that even those who didn't watch the show found something intriguing in Merry Go Round.
It was lovely to meet you too. You're my example of optimistic outlook and ability to relax and enjoy life at its best in human beings! (((hugs)))
А я гадала, куда она делась :) Не знаю на счет предвзятости, это абсолютно мое видение детства Ли. Вот ни секунды не сомневаюсь, что все это там было, бо все оно потом проявилось в Ли *нынешнем*.
Не прошло и пол года, как я отвечаю... я на самом деле целый кризис отторжения пережила с этим клипом, но это долгая история... спасибки за твое вИдение, оно для меня всегда важно. Ли люблю как и прежде.
Very late to respond to this comment. But it's the end of the year and that rare time when I actually have some time to myself). Thanks a lot for your comment! External footage was very tricky to work with but I'm glad I tried - now it gives me even more freedom in vidding and better trust in my vision of truth. I needed to explore his background story more, always needed to see it on screen actually but since we never got it - why the hell not? ;)
Comments 15
Great vid, and also, it was lovely to meet you!
It was lovely to meet you too. You're my example of optimistic outlook and ability to relax and enjoy life at its best in human beings! (((hugs)))
Не знаю на счет предвзятости, это абсолютно мое видение детства Ли. Вот ни секунды не сомневаюсь, что все это там было, бо все оно потом проявилось в Ли *нынешнем*.
Very well done!
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