It was a delight to see this as a whole work! I was holding my breath for the ending and you packed in lots of touches I loved: - I like that you kept in that little Alicia headshake at 3.39 when she sees their hands touch. It's as if she's already shaking her head at herself and what she's about to do, and at the concept of 'love'... as if she's saying to herself 'do you really still believe in this hope despite everything?' - What I love at 3.50 with the 'midst of danger' line is how you show Alicia at her most free and open... she is so gentle and inviting with Will--it's her reassuring him (though we might expect it the other way around), and you put in that shot of her with Kalinda as well... she trusted both of them, and she knows she can be betrayed
( ... )
as if she's saying to herself 'do you really still believe in this hope despite everything?'
Yeah I like how the meaning can shift in time and yet remains the same. Even in S2 when I watched that scene I had a strong sense of "this can't be real" coming from Alicia. Now we're just seeing a confirmation in season 3. It also conveyed her amazement and the actual touch too. The shot makes me ache in a way because it's a reflection of Will looking down at the place where her hand was touching hir arm a moment ago (in the courtroom scene not long before they went to the bar) as if to check if it's real that she was touching him. And here Alicia is both swamped with relief (like "Finally!!!"), more longing and disbelief when he puts his hand on hers.
On another level, Alicia's behaviour is a reversal of the lyrics--instead of keeping things open and gentle, she's lying to herself and Will and inviting 'danger'Thank you; I couldn't describe it better myself :) I like that shot with Owen because while her eyes are open she only opens them
( ... )
a strong sense of "this can't be real" The sad thing is that she's maintained that attitude really by distancing herself internally from what's happening, assuming (even in the face of a lot of evidence to the contrary) that it's just a temporary sexual attraction that will end soon. On the one hand it's good that she can allow herself to enjoy *some* of it. But on another, she's blocked herself from really truly accepting it on a deep level.
full of worry and rebellion I like that description.
I'm so so glad you found the beta process ultimately rewarding. I'm honoured to be trusted with it. I know it can at times be challenging to show an early draft to someone, and you had some big emotional challenges to work through with this one--I'm so pleased you stuck it out and created this work. :)
that it's just a temporary sexual attraction that will end soon.
If half a year can be labelled as "soon" by her definition then I really don't get the world she lives in. Ok they might've counted it would be just for an hour but now who is she kidding... it's a very subtle balance between what she does admit to herself inside and doesn't I think. And we still have to wonder how much she does. I find it very hard to comprehend that she willingly compromises her kids safety and her career (and quite consciously) to have something which she inwardly calls a fling or a temporary affair that's just gonna work itself out. So if it's not true then what they have is a lot more important to her and she damn well knows it. But when you realise that much why not just face the rest of it? What does she _not_ realise then?
Про писки на счет того, как видео следует музыкальному ритму я тебе уже говорила, про выбранные кадры тоже. В основном я просто сидела, вспоминала прежние сезоны и тащилась. Бо кому как, а для меня сериал и есть эпил лав стори между этими тремя дурачками (не в трисом смысле ессно). Финал был классный, хотя это и не точка, а многоточие и я надеюсь, что нынешний сезон таки даст нам возможность не отката назад, а движения вперед в этом её путешествии.
Спасибо, Оль) Не точка конечно. Просто финал отражает проблему Алиши сквозь все сезоны. Она приобретает новые маски, но на самом деле эта же проблема существовала и в 1ом сезоне, и во 2ом. Как хамелеон просто. И далеко Алиша не уехала... качественной трансформации в доверие своему сердцу не было. Я надеюсь, что история накопления боли и сомнений, препятствующих жить, в этом видео просто отражает закон нарастания тьмы, набора амплитуды движения, которому суждено взорваться.
Я тоже на это надеюсь. По мне все же она выросла качественно много, когда решилась на слом всего и выставление Пети не только как мужа, как фигуры, из своей жизни. но, она не железная и ей нужна передышка, собраться с силами, чтобы двигаться дальше. И нужно попробовать научиться доверять сердцу несмотря на возможную боль. Вот это сложно, бо у нас же инстинкты, раз обжегшись снова пихать руку в огонь не станешь, а тут нужно себя пересилить, не всякий на это способен. Да, она закрылась масками, но как легко они с неё слетают, когда говори сердце! Ей только и надо, что дать ему говорить.
Правда понравилось? :) Ну здорово! Я очень рада)). Я чем больше слушала песню, тем больше склонялась, что хоть это и не близкая мне ритмика, но она очень хорошо отображает сдержанность внутреннюю и тем более внешнюю Алиши - как она укрощает себя даже в самых сильных, рваных переживаниях и превращает их в какую-то тягучую душераздирающую лирику. Там где должен быть надрыв, у нее просто щит или ошейник стоит на вулкане.
Comments 9
- I like that you kept in that little Alicia headshake at 3.39 when she sees their hands touch. It's as if she's already shaking her head at herself and what she's about to do, and at the concept of 'love'... as if she's saying to herself 'do you really still believe in this hope despite everything?'
- What I love at 3.50 with the 'midst of danger' line is how you show Alicia at her most free and open... she is so gentle and inviting with Will--it's her reassuring him (though we might expect it the other way around), and you put in that shot of her with Kalinda as well... she trusted both of them, and she knows she can be betrayed ( ... )
Yeah I like how the meaning can shift in time and yet remains the same. Even in S2 when I watched that scene I had a strong sense of "this can't be real" coming from Alicia. Now we're just seeing a confirmation in season 3. It also conveyed her amazement and the actual touch too. The shot makes me ache in a way because it's a reflection of Will looking down at the place where her hand was touching hir arm a moment ago (in the courtroom scene not long before they went to the bar) as if to check if it's real that she was touching him. And here Alicia is both swamped with relief (like "Finally!!!"), more longing and disbelief when he puts his hand on hers.
On another level, Alicia's behaviour is a reversal of the lyrics--instead of keeping things open and gentle, she's lying to herself and Will and inviting 'danger'Thank you; I couldn't describe it better myself :) I like that shot with Owen because while her eyes are open she only opens them ( ... )
The sad thing is that she's maintained that attitude really by distancing herself internally from what's happening, assuming (even in the face of a lot of evidence to the contrary) that it's just a temporary sexual attraction that will end soon. On the one hand it's good that she can allow herself to enjoy *some* of it. But on another, she's blocked herself from really truly accepting it on a deep level.
full of worry and rebellion
I like that description.
I'm so so glad you found the beta process ultimately rewarding. I'm honoured to be trusted with it. I know it can at times be challenging to show an early draft to someone, and you had some big emotional challenges to work through with this one--I'm so pleased you stuck it out and created this work. :)
If half a year can be labelled as "soon" by her definition then I really don't get the world she lives in. Ok they might've counted it would be just for an hour but now who is she kidding... it's a very subtle balance between what she does admit to herself inside and doesn't I think. And we still have to wonder how much she does. I find it very hard to comprehend that she willingly compromises her kids safety and her career (and quite consciously) to have something which she inwardly calls a fling or a temporary affair that's just gonna work itself out. So if it's not true then what they have is a lot more important to her and she damn well knows it. But when you realise that much why not just face the rest of it? What does she _not_ realise then?
В основном я просто сидела, вспоминала прежние сезоны и тащилась. Бо кому как, а для меня сериал и есть эпил лав стори между этими тремя дурачками (не в трисом смысле ессно).
Финал был классный, хотя это и не точка, а многоточие и я надеюсь, что нынешний сезон таки даст нам возможность не отката назад, а движения вперед в этом её путешествии.
По мне все же она выросла качественно много, когда решилась на слом всего и выставление Пети не только как мужа, как фигуры, из своей жизни. но, она не железная и ей нужна передышка, собраться с силами, чтобы двигаться дальше. И нужно попробовать научиться доверять сердцу несмотря на возможную боль. Вот это сложно, бо у нас же инстинкты, раз обжегшись снова пихать руку в огонь не станешь, а тут нужно себя пересилить, не всякий на это способен.
Да, она закрылась масками, но как легко они с неё слетают, когда говори сердце! Ей только и надо, что дать ему говорить.
Спасибо, что смотришь, Машунь! :-)
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