~About You~
Name: Melissa Lynn Devine
Age: 14
Location: Lockport
Do you like your name?: Yes
If you could move anywhere, where would you move?: Europe
What's your favorite sport?: Diving
What color are your eyes? Brown Is your hair it's natural color? died back the the natural color?
What's your favorite thing to do? sleep
~Your Friends~
Who are your best friends: Krissy, Mia, Alex, Jake, Lyndsey, Derek, Dylan, Beth, Joelle
How many friends can you trust with your life: uhm like 10ish
Skinniest friend: Mia
Shyest friend: Seth, until you get to know him
Most popular friend: there all losers
Funniest Friend: jake
Craziest friend: jake
Silliest friend: krissy/mia
Friend who loves shopping most: mia
Your first best friend: mia/krissy
Marital Status: single
Do you like someone? yeap
Do they know? maybe
Have you ever told someone how you feel about him/her? yea Have you ever been in love? no Are you in love? no
Is this really anyone's business? i guess
What's your favorite hangout spot?: trampoline
What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend?: hang out with friends
What does your room look like? right now messy
Do you have your own phone line? no
Do you have a cell phone? yea If so, what kind is it? motorola
What's your fave color? flauresent pink
Soda/Juice: both
Girl/Boy: im a girl....
House/Apartment: house
Golf/Soccer: soccer
Soccer/Basketball: basketball
Volleyball/Basketball: basketball
Braces/Glasses: glasses
Snow/Sunshine: the snow effing sucks
Xanga/Live Journal: LJ
IM/E-mail: IM
Phone/IM: both
TV/IM: both
Movies/TV: depends
O.C./One Tree Hill: laguna beach
Princess Diaries 1/Princess Diaries 2: one
Spiderman 1/ Spiderman 2: one
1 best friend/A lot of good friends: two best friends lol
Dominos'/Pizza Inn: what the f is a pizza inn?
Diet/Regular: regular
Pancakes/Waffles: waffles
Day/Night: night
Theater/Blockbuster: Blockbuster
Did you like this survey?: not at all