Kate_lb needed some info for Stephen's 20 she is writing-but thanfiction got side-tracked to Seamus-then moved to Stephen, which led to Rowan who somehow got us to Lavender. Enjoy :-)
thanfiction: There's a quote from Melville that I couldn't help but remember when I wrote the final confrontation with the DD. ""He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it."
m_oquinn: Brilliant
kate_lb: That's fantastic. It's like it was made for that scene.
thanfiction: “’Tis hate for me. Hate and anger. ‘Tweren’t so bad when I were young, but still there it were; hated me Da for leavin’ me, all the folk what made it so I were scared each time I left me Mam for school that she’d be shot down in the street while I were gone. Hated Riddle and his lot for bringin’ war where things were ‘sposed be better than that, and damn near everyone in the whole wizardin’ world when I knew it were to a bunch o’ kids to make it right and to die for their cowardice.
“Then it were over, and everyone were sayin’ we’d won, but I hated every bastard who could just go on when I were too angry and bleedin’ inside to breathe without screamin’, and they just wanted to pin me a medal and shake me hand and leave me to choke on it. Hate near killed me, then it brought me back when I had somewhere to put it ‘gain, and now it’s killed most everyone I ever cared for, and in all the fire o’ it ‘afore, ‘tis not a candle to what I have now, but nowhere for’t go, so I reckon this time it’ll take me ‘tlast.”
(Seamus' answer to the Morrigan of what drives his heart)
m_oquinn: *hugs* is a massive understatement for the amount of compassion that well up in me at his words-at the same time I really don't want to touch or be anywhere near him
Hatred and raw anger that has built up over years and years of hurt and anguish is terrifying to me. Hatred more than Anger perhaps, but they are both poison. They eat people up till there isn't much left that isn't blackened hatred and burning twisted anger.
kate_lb: You pretty much said everything that I would about Seamus. Did Susan know about it all when she took him to the farm? Anger and hatred like that...*shudder*.
m_oquinn: She read his file and it gave her nightmares. I think it took awhile for her to forgive him for what he had done and been -but you have to realize that the fire was out-he was almost dead when they brought him to the farm and he really didn't want to live at the time
kate_lb: I just went back and reread that part. It makes more sense now.
thanfiction: kate_lb, what was the thing you were planning to do with Steve?
kate_lb: I'm not sure yet. I'm rereading the battle and figuring out where everyone was. So far, it's just getting everyone off Ravenclaw Tower before it went down.
thanfiction: Steve and Derek, I think, get skipped over a lot by the daydians as the "token DA gay couple," but they're both really strong young men and strong 'characters' in their own right, and their relationship is fascinating in how unlikely and yet how well it worked.
They're so much more than their sexual orientation.
kate_lb: I wonder - is it just because they don't get a lot of face time so they just don't know a lot about them or if it's because people don't know how to take it other than "must be politically correct"?
thanfiction: They get as much as other minor characters, but people are afraid to touch them. They're so worried about making them "too gay" or "not gay enough" that they lose Derek and Steve.
kate_lb: It's not about making sure they fall in the right spot on the gay scale. They're two people who love each other. At least that's how I see it. Doesn't matter that they're two guys or two girls or a guy and girl. Yes, some of the details will need to be adjusted depending on the story and who's being written, but the main idea's still the same.
m_oquinn: *nods* I think they are the new discussion couple but like the couple before I don't know anything about them. And they are people-not just a couple
thanfiction: Derek's story is told a bit in his R&F. Steve's parents were both born to long lines of Blackfoot Shamans, but they were both disdainful of the tribal ways that seemed very backward, and they met because they were eye-rolling against the wall at the powwow as teenagers. They left the reserve, went to University, his father became an engineer, his mother a literature instructor. Steve and his older brother were born in Vancouver and lived there until he was nine. Both boys were magical, but they had them given a secular magical education, and they still lived very full Muggle lives. Steve, in particular, was an excellent wingman at hockey. His dad got a great opportunity in London and they moved there, Archie being promoted to Prefect his second year (he came in as a fourth year), and both boys sorted into Ravenclaw. Steve tried out for Quidditch, but it's the wrong kind of balance for an ex-hockey kid. He collects dime westerns and always kept a Canadian penny for luck, wanted to be an Elizabethan Era historian when he grew up, and can quote Shakespeare and Marlowe like most kids quote tv shows. He's a lot more than Derek's boyfriend.
Explains what a First Nations boy was doing in Ravenclaw Tower if nothing else
As you could see in his picture, Steve's not just your average "I think I have some (insert tribe) blood," he's straight up. That's not what you usually find at Hogwarts, or in the UK for that matter. Most assumed he was the OTHER kind of "Indian", which he found hysterically funny. Also the reactions when he opened his mouth and the dialect was smoked salmon and maple syrup, not curry and palak paneer. He was ruthlessly practical when it came to idealism or romanticism, a lot of which came from his heritage, which he was aware of in terms of history and cultural significance, but like his parents he firmly rejected "bullshit mysticism and romanticizing that's kept our people trappled in the 16th century." No faster way to set him off and see the rarely-glimpsed temper than to assume he had a totem animal or was "specially attuned to nature." It's part of what attracted him to the Elizabethan Era, that so many people miss a lot of the grit and intrigue in the big lace ruffs and pretty language. His sense of humor was casual but tended towards the catty, he loved upturning urban legends or common misconceptions, and he had a terrible weakness for big, stocky blondes ever since a near-fatal crush on his Norwegian hockey coach when he was seven.
Backstory, I do it.
But no, actually, he doesn't like Tim Hortons, though he does dip his chips in gravy and has been known to end a sentence or three with "eh". ;)
kate_lb: Even just the stuff I saw in the AP prologue for the CotW response - Steve's a badass! :)
m_oquinn: the funny thing is that it isn't like they were the only people with non-heterosexual orientation at hogwarts. But that is all most of us know about either of them
thanfiction: No, but they're the most prominent, because Steve was roommates with the ever popular Braintrust.
m_oquinn: *goes to look up Tim Hortons*
kate_lb: They sell donuts, m_oquinn.
thanfiction: They sell crack to Canadians, m_oquinn.
m_oquinn: lol
kate_lb: *hides timbits bags*
m_oquinn: thanks kate_lb *sticks out tongue at thanfiction*
thanfiction: It's okay, Steve doesn't want your Timbits.
Neither would his brother. This is for the same reason.
When Archie was ten and Steve was five, Archie got his first 'job,' taking care of a neighbor's pets while they were on vacation. He got twenty dollars for this for the weekend. Now, as any bright ten year old, he had the certainty his parents would use the S word. Savings. So instead, the money still hot in his hand, he grabbed his little brother and they bought twenty dollars worth of donuts and Timbits.
And ate them all in about half an hour.
Did you know that maple sprinkles can make you hallucinate?
m_oquinn: um, no-I was unaware of that piece of information
thanfiction: Remember, this is $20 of donuts in 1985.
m_oquinn: *feels queasy*
thanfiction: They were both left vaguely afraid of that franchise.
"Mary! Who replaced our sons with the spasming sugar geysers in the downstairs bathroom?"
He has not eaten any form of donut since, regardless of national pride.
And yes, he did still consider himself Canadian, and fully intended to move back after school. He thought if Derek got good marks, he'd even have a better chance with the Aurors in BC, because "Hogwarts Graduate" would carry a lot more weight somewhere that "Cornish dockworker's son and look's it" wouldn't matter at all.
m_oquinn:*nods* I can see that
kate_lb: I can see that, too.
thanfiction: Also with the class system less of an issue, Derek wouldn't have to try so hard to scrape his way out of the working class where their orientation WAS an issue. Though Derek's parents actually never found out. It wasn't hidden from them, it just never came up. He was so focused on becoming an Auror that they just assumed he hadn't noticed girls yet and weren't about to borrow trouble by making him think they needed or wanted him to have a girlfriend, and it never occurred to them that he might be on the other team.
After all, they knew their son well enough to know he wasn't 'that way.'
m_oquinn: of course not! why would you ever suggest such a thing-does he look like a pansy to you?
thanfiction: Steve, on the other hand, was terribly nervous about it and all kinds of worked up from the point he realized it (around 10 or 11) until he finally broke down and came out to them (15). And was greeted with "Oh, sweetheart, we knew that! I'm so sorry you went through that, we just assumed you knew we knew!"
kate_lb: Didn't Roawn's parents say something along the same lines to her?
thanfiction: Since he was a toddler, he responded to handsome men the way Archie responded to pretty girls. They recognized that, and they were intellectuals enough that they worried at first whether they were doing something wrong, looked it up, saw that no, it was normal for it to already be showing in a non-sexual context as early as three, and so they basically forgot about it except to use gender-neutral language in their projections. "I hope you have someone special someday," etc.
thanfiction: That's Eric's 20, not canon.
m_oquinn: *nods* they had already adjusted to the idea and accepted it at that point
kate_lb: *nods* I'm so glad that Steve's parents were so accepting about it.
thanfiction: Rowan's parents were aware, as one couldn't quite miss it, but not exactly what you'd call supportive. Her father was hoping she'd get past the tomboy dyke phase, and her mother was certain it was just about finding her the right boy and then she'd fall in love and come floating gracefully down the stairs in something with lace.
m_oquinn: *winces*
thanfiction: Rowan was the only one of the DA that you could call "flaming" in her orientation. She was a baby bull dyke, no two ways about it. Hardcore butch.
kate_lb: *raises eyebrow* Just keep wishing there, Mr. and Mrs. Glynnis.
thanfiction: Cut her hair off when she was four. Her mother grew it back. She cut it off again. Her mother grew it back and took the sharp things. She tried to burn it off with a candle and wound up in St. Mungos for three weeks. Her mother let it stay short.
m_oquinn: O.O um, ok then
kate_lb: :) I'd hate to think what she'd have gotten into otherwise.
thanfiction:When she was very little, she wanted to grow up and marry Gwenog Jones. That went over like the proverbial lead balloon.
kate_lb: I can imagine.
thanfiction: When she got a little older, she decided she wanted to be LIKE Gwenog Jones and get onto the Harpies someday, no matter what it took. Or if not, the first female dragon wrangler. She'd grown up near the reserve and playing entirely with the boys, and she was on the Quidditch team by her second year.
She owned pretty much every piece of Harpies merchandise ever sold. For a while, she thought she wanted to be a boy, desperately even, until she met Vicky who introduced her to the concept of lesbian as something other than a name you get called. That there actually was a way to be a girl and not have to be girly and still think other girls were hot. It was questionable whether Vicky would have been a straightforward lipstick lesbian or would have found out she was bisexual if she had lived, but she certainly did like Rowan.
Vicky really confused Rowan at first. She was a girl-girl who thought about girls the way she did. And found her attractive, something she had had it drilled in that no one would ever do unless she 'cleaned up.' Fortunately, Vicky was a Gryffindor and blunt.
kate_lb: Very good to have around at times like that.
thanfiction: She stayed after training one day about six weeks into it and just asked Rowan if the rumors were true. Rowan was defensive but said yes, and do you want to make something of it? Turned out what she wanted to make of it was to ask Rowan out to Hogsmeade.
m_oquinn: and NOT to get her face knocked in if she was wrong
thanfiction: Rowan was baffled beyond comprehension at the concept that she'd been asked on a date, and did the only thing she figured you had to do, forcing herself into the hateful dress that her parents had packed for her. When she showed up in it, looking rather like a smaller version of Derek in the damned thing, it was all the more shocking that Vicky looked like she'd tasted something nasty and asked why on earth she was wearing it, and would she PLEASE change into something that suited her more. The "WTF" that followed when she came back in trousers was the beginning of the "there is more than one way to be, silly" conversation that wound up nearly making them miss curfew. If Neville and Ernie hadn't still been AWOL and much more interesting to Snape, they'd have been in deep shitsky.
kate_lb: Aw, thank god for Vicky. So they were able to sneak in before Ernie refinished Snape's shoes?
thanfiction: Five minutes late. But two hours before those two. Vicky was actually quite right, if a bit brutally honest about Rowan. "You're not pretty, but you're handsome in a rugged kind of way, and who says that's only hot if you've got a dick?"
She actually got by the end of the year - specifically, Spring Break - to the point where when she was mistaken for a boy, she didn't play along eagerly, she openly said "No, I'm a girl, I'm just butch." To her parents horror, but if it makes any sense with the odd connection I have, I'm proud of her.
m_oquinn: *smiles*
thanfiction: She also stopped panicking about the fact that she was developing.
kate_lb: I'm proud of her, too.
thanfiction: I think she could have been quite the young woman if she'd gotten the chance, as she was finally starting to come to terms with and accept herself.
kate_lb: It sounds like it.
thanfiction: It's so frustrating all of these "almost were" lives. The age they were, half of them were just beginning to really form identities, glimpses of potential, and then....
kate_lb: They all had lives and stories and were starting to know who they were and what they wanted.
thanfiction: Like Rowan, she was still deeply into Quidditch and a rabid Gwenog Jones fangirl, but she'd really found something in training the witches, and she was starting to wonder if maybe there could be options other than pro Quidditch that didn't mean having to become a housewitch.
m_oquinn: and that is the greatest tragedy of all, the unexplored potential
thanfiction: And she was good at what she did with them. Very good, even if half of them hated her for it, because she knew where "I'm a girl, I'm not going to match the blokes pullup for pullup" actually was honest and where it was whinging, and she had spent so long going toe to toe playing with the boys that she knew all the tricks to make up for brute strength.
m_oquinn:*laughing* indeed
thanfiction: And she won a lot of points with her lot when she finally got up the nerve to tell Brown to wear MORE whatever to the workouts because she couldn't think straight.
It wasn't the same kind of distracting to everyone, but it was definitely distracting in a "um, I don't really need your cleavage in my face, Lav" sense.
kate_lb: I'm sure everyone else appreciated Lavender not falling out of her clothes, too.
thanfiction: Lavender had a tendency to wear as little as she could get away with at all times. You know the wizarding standards of dress. Lavender came to the first several training sessions in a sports bra and stretch shorts.
m_oquinn: oh dear
kate_lb: O.O Oh my.
thanfiction: Neville squashed that INSTANTLY for co-ed, but she continued for the girls-only until Rowan put a stop to it. Lavender had about an hour and a half glass and was of the "if you've got it, flaunt it" school of thought. It's 90% of where the bimbo reputation came from. Actually, you've all seen EXACTLY what she was shaped like.
m_oquinn: yes, that we have
kate_lb: *nods* indeed we have :)
m_oquinn: she very pretty girl
thanfiction: And I think you both probably understand why the other young ladies, regardless of orientation, weren't thrilled with having quite that much displayed quite that prominently during every training session when the rest of them were basically in sweats or track suits.
m_oquinn: yup, that I do get, though I'm not sure how she fit in a sports bra
thanfiction: She made her own clothes, remember?
m_oquinn: I had forgotten
thanfiction:Some of those garments were triumphs of engineering as much as fashion.
m_oquinn: *dies laughing*
kate_lb: Very distracting to have someone barely dressed when you need to concentrate on what you're doing. We had to kick someone out of dance class once for that.
m_oquinn: she would have been a brilliant designer
thanfiction: I'm actually intending to do her portrait next in the big series. She and Ron are the only two left.
m_oquinn: *nods* I've been waiting for them
kate_lb: No one can say that the girl wasn't talented. And she would have been a hit with the witches who weren't a size 2 since she would have understood how to design for them. Oh, I'm looking forward to that!
thanfiction: Actually, the problem with witch's clothing tended to be more that it was still about twenty years behind wizards in terms of conservative. Girls either had to dress like Muggles or their mothers. Which is what Lavender wanted to remedy. She really saw a market for young women's clothing that was as distinctly different as what the young men got to have.
The thing is, Muggle girl's fashion was SO revealing that the magical community was refusing to go near it and therefore it had completely stagnated. It was hard to convince the likes of Molly Weasley that her daughter could wear something "more modern" and you didn't mean this
http://lh4.ggpht.com/_djH7Q2IIbUM/SoBsc8AYb-I/AAAAAAAAEyk/8hXOOgUKe4A/s400/spice%20girls%206_resize.jpg m_oquinn: *dies*
kate_lb: *laughs* Complete with the platform shoes.
m_oquinn: yeah, um, most of us don't dress like the spice girls everyday
thanfiction: Tell that to a 40 year old witch staring in horror at a copy of Seventeen.
kate_lb: Poor Molly.
thanfiction: Lavender was a great believer in the art of the tease. Don't show everything, but promise a hell of a lot.
m_oquinn: that she knew how to do.
Reaction to Lavender's portrait in the SkypeRoR
http://community.livejournal.com/daydverse/179423.html ________________________________________________________________________
m_oquinn: *waiting*
angakkuq_10: Wow.
kate_lb: Oh wow!
m_oquinn: Damn!
faeriegal713:She's lovely! Wow!
m_oquinn: I thought she was blonder?
liebedance: I like her hair!
agentdelaware: Wow!
agentdelaware: Is pretty hair!
liebedance: *likes*
thanfiction: One of her own, of course, as far as the outfit goes. You can see why the Blonde Incident went down in untalked-of shame. She was never meant to be blonde.
faeriegal713: I love her smile and the way she's looking at the "camera". The outfit is perfect for her. Love it!
kate_lb: Of course. I can see many witches wanting one like it.
faeriegal713: *nods* Heck, I want one like it!
thanfiction:She is, I believe, what they call an irredeemable flirt.
m_oquinn: but such amazing win. I love the clothes and how they bridge the mom's or muggle gap
faeriegal713: lol
m_oquinn: um, yes
kate_lb: Her eyes and her eyebrows are gorgeous!
m_oquinn: *nods*
thanfiction: Exactly, It's youthful and sexy and feminine but not slutty.
When you've got one in a million true violet eyes, you take care to frame them well.
faeriegal713: *is still giggling and clapping* Her personality really shows through here, I am expecting her to wink.
liebedance: That picture makes me like Lavender...
m_oquinn: not at all, It is a shame that she had to struggle with the slutty bimbo reputation because she was beautiful and not at all ashamed of herself
thanfiction: Of course she was also the best crack shot in the DA. Could shoot a spell up your left nostril from a hundred paces on a bad day.
kate_lb: It makes me want to cry over the horrendous miscasting of Lavender in HBP.
faeriegal713: Really? What's the story behind that?
liebedance: faeriegal713, I am too. (expecting the wink)
faeriegal713: *nods* a wink at the very least.
thanfiction: The story behind what, faeriegal713?
m_oquinn: zoom in guys and look at the inset of the yoke
faeriegal713: Her aim. Unless its just pure natural talent.
m_oquinn: it is either lace or some kind of embrodiery-really lovely
thanfiction: And yes, actually, all of the clothes she made for herself were at least in part lavender. It wasn't just a signature, she liked to play up her eyes. Lace
faeriegal713: It looks like lace to me, but I'm not really knowledgeable of clothing.
agentdelaware: Lace. *nods*
m_oquinn: the man has answered!
faeriegal713: hehe, thank you, thanfiction.
m_oquinn: and very well done lace at that
kate_lb: I like the heart cutout at the neckline!
thanfiction: From her 20
18. She was the best marksman in the D.A.
Maybe some of it, as Parvati had suggested, had to do with being able to subconsciously anticipate trajectory, or maybe she just had really fantastic eye-wand coordination, but she could hit the Snitch they often used for target practice nine out of ten times with her right hand and six out of ten with her left. And that was from all the way across the room. Before she started really training. By the time they were ready for battle, she simply didn't miss. When they got their assignments, she was furious not to have been given a tower post, but Terry, maddeningly logical as ever, pointed out that aim as an asset that was valuable anywhere, and that Gryffindors in general didn't do well in sideline positions. That she was willing to concede.
liebedance: thanfiction, always with the details you are.
faeriegal713:*is thinking she must go back and read the 20's again*
liebedance: <3 20's
agentdelaware: Yay 20's!
thanfiction: The bodice and sleeve caps are brushed satin, the yoke is lace, the sleeves and skirt gathered chiffon.
faeriegal713: I love them too, I'm just unable to remember what details are associated with which character and why.
m_oquinn: thank you, I was going to ask-pulling off satin is no mean feat-particularly in the making-but the wearing as well
brushed takes enough of the sheen off that it wouldn't distract from her face. much win
agentdelaware: *nods*
liebedance: I really like it, thanfiction!
Thanfiction: Thank you! All of you!
m_oquinn: Thank you!
agentdelaware: I wonder why she did the seperate bodice and caps rather than just making it a lace inset...
thanfiction: Because she thought it was cute that way.
m_oquinn: lol
agentdelaware: *laughs* I suppose that's enough of a reason for any fashion.
thanfiction: Sort of like how the cutout would be a lot naughtier if it wasn't heart-shaped, which makes it coy.
agentdelaware: Mm-hm.
thanfiction: Of course, it also depends on what you have under the cutout. And she has.
m_oquinn: Indeed. I like cutouts, have a purple (not lavender) dress with a tear drop one
liebedance: Oooh. Pretty!
m_oquinn: *nods*
kate_lb: I think I may have a girl-crush on Lavender :)
m_oquinn: lol
faeriegal713: *blushes* I think I may, too.
thanfiction: I am so lucky I don't have to be the designer with this. I could not have come up with that dress in a million years.
m_oquinn: *dies* Um, no-Somehow I just don't see it as your style
faeriegal713: lol
thanfiction: It's about 900% too much estrogen.
m_oquinn: and while I admire it I don't think I could do it either
thanfiction: She had a gift. It's a beautiful piece.
Faeriegal713: It was definitely not something just anyone would be able to come up with.
m_oquinn: it looks like something my seven year old sister would do once she gets older
(and that is not in anyway an insult)
thanfiction: There was a part of Lavender that definitely stayed in touch with the seven year old playing princess dress up.
(and that is not in any way an insult either)
thanfiction:That was what took a lot of people off guard about Lavender. She could hand you your ass without mussing a pleat on that dress.
m_oquinn: Win!
faeriegal713: That is awesome!
kate_lb: That is fantastic!
thanfiction: You've read the exact nature of what happened with Crabbe and Goyle. She wasn't just a helpless victim there...she took every bit of control she could scrape in that situation, and for as bad as it was, it could have been a lot worse, and the only reason she didn't decorate the walls with them was to protect people on the outside.
faeriegal713: I am amazed by the women of the DA every time we see a new side of them. It makes the "sexism" that people see in DAYD so very frustrating.
m_oquinn: *hugs* that it does, and that is the hardest part-it was an act of self-sacrifice on her part-not the most well thought out or rational, but she took the only path she could see
faeriegal713: She belonged in Gryffindor every bit as much as any of the others. It's sad that so many people, even Daydians, don't see it because all they see is "flirty" or "slutty" rather than a person.
thanfiction: Of course, it was weak and helpless and sexist that she submitted to anything to protect her family. A true heroine would have taken the appropriate feminist stnce and to hell with if her whole family died for her pride.
kate_lb: They are in no way...well, just about anything deraugitory that any of these people say.
thanfiction: Much better to let people die than to show your boobies and take a beating but scare the bejeezus out of them if they even think of rape.
m_oquinn: They are just jealous of the fact she blows them out of the water and Hermione was hurt when Ron hooked up with Lavender. Which wasn't Lavender's fault and if wasn't as if she was getting Ron to cheat-he and Hermione were just friends
faeriegal713: *nods* pretty much.
m_oquinn: but JKR just show's us Harry's side
thanfiction: Oh, and it's also terribly sexist of me that two teenaged sadistic lumps, flush with power and in time of war, would so much as think of using that power to molest a woman. That never happens in war, it's a chauvenistic trope to belittle women and enable a male revenge fantasy!
faeriegal713: *nods* As I've lamented several times already.
m_oquinn:: and she is the pretty girl that breaks bookish, bossy Hermione's heart when her crush doesn't realize that her nagging him about his homework is her way of saying she likes him. So she is evil slut-because, for most of us, we relate better to Hermione.
kate_lb: But everyone cheers when Hermione sends a flock of birds at Ron's head. If any of the guys did that, they'd be up in arms before they even finished reading the sentence.
m_oquinn: makes perfect sense
faeriegal713: *shakes head* The people making these statements are so far removed from war and strife and don't understand that there are so many things that occur in war that are not okay at any other time. Murder. Rape. Stealing. All of it.
thanfiction: And they aren't okay in war, either. But they happen.
faeriegal713: I suppose by okay, I mean that they are more acceptable by some parties. Poor word choice on my part.
kate_lb: Mandy, Megan, Sally-Anne, Hal, Lisa, Ryan -- were any of them sniping?
thanfiction: Here are the assignments. "I'll go myself, then," he replied quickly, then counted off on his fingers. "You should take Parvati, Anthony, Stewart, Wayne, and Seamus for the grounds, too. Hannah, Michael, Lavender, and Terry for swing. Ernie's strength is defense - he won't budge from a post no matter what. Put him on the front doors, and he'll hold them shut if he has to. Perseus, Derek and Chris with him too. Li, Luna, Demelza, Gwen, Andrew, Padma, and Jack on towers…Lisa, Morag, Sally-Anne, Hal, Stephen, Mandy, Ryan, and Megan are versatile enough to go wherever you want. I don't really know with Dean, but don't put him with Seamus, it'll be too much distraction." Steve and Mandy were added to the tower posts, and everyone who was still alive from towers and swing got pulled by Steve to defend the castle.
kate_lb: Then I think I've got everything I need. Thank you thank you thank you!!
thanfiction: You can track a lot of them in that section...Morag got sent with Lupin, Hal was taken by Sprout, Ryan by Shacklebolt, Sally-Anne and Megan by Arthur. Lisa was sent with Sprout as well.
kate_lb: I had most of them placed, just the "send these eight wherever you need them" were tripping me up.