i've wanted to tell you how much i miss you ever since. i just didn't think it would make any difference.
i wonder, would it have changed anything. if you could've heard me say how i felt about you, instead of only being able to read it.
dragging the bodies up from your heart to your head. searching inside yourself for some place to bury the dead.
there's no war. none that i'm aware of. yet battles are. battles are the only way we connect anymore.
there's no bloodshed. no victims. and yet somehow still there are so many casualties.
but i've fallen asleep now. and the dreams have begun. i've closed my eyes. shut down everything. there's nothing left in here to wake up.
you think i'm happier and that's exactly where i've put you. i didn't figure you'd be this easy. it almost makes me sad that i was wrong. almost.