Yazoo nodded and moved into position. He stood in a defense like stance, thinking over what move to go about with before he decided to launch forward for am uppercut.
Tensing, Greed turned his body and leaned away from the blow, his arm coming up in an attempt to catch Yazoo's. His other hand hooked out in a jab at the man's body.
With one hand caught it left dodging a bit harder for Yazoo as he saw the jab coming. Grabbing the hand that was holding him Yazoo moved behind Greed to dodge the jab, using his grip on Greed's hand into some type of arm lock as he moved to kick his legs out from under him.
Grimacing slightly at the pressure of the lock, Greed dropped to one knee, blocking Yazoo's attempted kick and forcing the other man to lean over him or release his arm. Reaching behind him with the unheld hand, Greed gripped Yaz's leg and rose suddenly, head aimed towards Yaz's chest and pulling up on the leg at the same time.
Yazoo cursed silently as he felt the contact, wincing only a little as he fell back as well. He glared at the man as he tried to think of a way to get out of this situation. This time he kicked Greed's leg from behind, right at the joint and grabbed his arm to bring him down, pinning him quickly.
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