FMA Meme... That's floating around everywhere.

Oct 01, 2006 13:07

Borrowed from sky_dark's place... Curious as to what my own answers would be =P

When did you first discover Fullmetal Alchemist?

Summer of 2006 actually ^_^

When it first came out (in 2003? 2004?) with all the buzz, I watched the first episode and deleted it, haha. Then after hearing couple raved reviews, watched another random episode (where you meet the first of Greed's underling, the lizard tail guy, and where Wrath gets taken by Armstrong and Archer) and deleted it too. (The whole Wrath arc is probably still my least favorite). Then this summer, I was in a manga rental store and could.not.find.anything to read *gasp* So I randomly pulled three volumns of FMA manga off the shelf, and from there I was doomed. Read the remaining manga within a week, and the 51 episodes of TV series in three days.

Are you happy you discovered FMA?

Hell yeah. My RL schedule's not happy though.

Do you consider yourself a fan?

... Else I won't be writing this.

Do you recommend the series to other people?

Anyone I can sink my claws into.

Sub or dub?


What do you think of the movie? The OVAs?

The Movie - movie!Ed is just too gorgeous. I cannot do a subjective review of the movie, because everytime Ed appears, the fangirl in me goes wired XD!!! But really, given the series' popularity, Bones could have made much more money out of it than just one movie... And use that extension to come up with a better plot. Could have explored both Heidrich (and Hei+Ed), Al, and Hoho more and give them more depth. movie!Roy is 110% OCC imho. As for the ending, 1st thought "What is the point of killing Hoho and Heidrick, tell me again?" and 2nd thought "We don't need Ed to rescue everyone! WE can take care of ourselves, #%#$"... And I'll cut the rant right here.

The OVAs - Still looking for English subbed versions.

What about the manga? Do you read it?

Much love to manga! I'm torn as to which is better, manga or anime, 'cause there're important parts that one did MUCH better than the other, both ways.

Which episode is the best?

Need to check. Probably the "Flame Alchemist", the 5th lab arc, Hoho appearences, or toward the end.

Which episode is the worst?

The sporatic filler episodes. Such as the stupid puppet alchemist and blue rose lady.

Did you cry at any point in the series/movie/OVA/manga?


The best opening/ending song?

Rewrite for OP. Probably Motherland for ED.

Who’s your most favorite character?

Ed!!!!! Fascinating, he's both the most selfish and most selfless person in the series.

Who’s your least favorite character?

Out of those significant enough to be remembered (by me)? Rose, Noah, or Wrath. The Xing group's also a pretty close call; the "mythical East (bearing strong resemblane to Chinese/Japanese culture)" has been an overused device since days of Dragonballs and Ranma 1/2. C'mon, creativity.

Which character do you think is the most misunderstood?

Going by the fics, Roy.

Which character is the most under-rated?

Armstrong and Winry. And sometimes Al.

Which character has the worst past?

Ed and Al.

Is Ed actually short?

Yes. He won't be able to reach the overhead compartment on airplanes ^_^ Trust me, I know.

So…do the Homunculi have souls or not?

Don't think souls can be created. As to whether some soul got attached onto them, that's up to interpretation.

Do you like Dante?

If the mega-boss psycho bitch had appeared earlier in the series and not just crashed down near the end, probably yes. (Bad plot technique, Bones.)

Do you hate Winry?

No, I like her quite a bit.

What about Rose?

Rose = insignificant filler character. That Bones used her again later in anime was a demonstration of bad plot device. Only reason to like her was when she picked her boyfriend over justice/truth; it's very... human.

Would you go on a date with Havoc?

As long as he doesn't smoke on dates ^_^

Do you consider Scar a hero or a villain?

Psycho villain. Mass murder for mass murder? The world can do without you.

What was your first impression of Armstrong?

Love at first sight!! XD

Who’s more disturbed: Envy or Kimbley?


Did you like Hughes better after he died?

The same *sob* There goes one of the best characters!

What about Greed?

The same. Damn, they keep killing people that I like.

Did you like Pride better before you found out he was a Homunculus?

Uh, the same? I knew he must be up to something.

If you were Roy, would you have killed Winry’s parents under orders?

Cannot answer such a grave question in hypothetical terms. Hope I'll never be in that situation.

Was Hohenheim justified in leaving Envy after he created him, or was Dante the better parent?

On Hoho leaving Envy, I don't think there are enough information to recreate how it must have been for Hoho. If you think about it, Ed and Al also "left" their creation, in that they knew it disappeared but did not try to track it down. Also lack of info for Dante and Envy, although currently Dante-Envy are purely "I use you, you use me".

Why does Al wear a loincloth?

Looks more human / customized? And easier to draw.

Why does Envy wear a loincloth?

So we can see his thigh?

Did you think Envy was a girl the first time you saw him?

No. *Confused as to which part of Envy looks feminine?*

Who’s the best side character? (Present in two episodes or less!)

Armstrong's family!!!!!

Who’s the most annoying side character?

Anime - Rose or Wrath
Movie - Noah and the blond military lady
Manga - Mei

Which characters, if any, do you think are overrated?

... Sometimes, Ling. No hard feeling; I like the dude, and like him more as the story progresses. Just don't have the fascination.

Who’s a better Greed: the original, or Ling?

Original Greed was a blast. Need to see more of Ling!Greed to decide.

Do you forgive Tucker for what he did to Nina?

I'm not the one to do the forgiving.

Do you forgive Scar?
I'm not the one to do the forgiving.

Who’s prettier: Lust or Riza?

Lust. Riza's for her character and her gun.

Is Gluttony ugly?

Gluttony = insignificant plot device.

What’s Dante’s sexual preference?

Very disturbing to have "Dante" and "sex" in same sentence. Probably Hoho and Elrics.

Which character is the best looking?

Ed!!!!! XD XD XD

Which character is the worst looking?

Lyra (Geez, lots of creativity went into THAT look). (I'll probably like Dante better if she didn't use Lyra's body).

If you could see one character naked, who would you choose?

Blushing Ed?

What’s your favorite pairing(s)?

RoyxEd, definitely. Though some fics convinced me of RoyxEdxAl and HeixEdxAl.

What’s your least favorite pairing(s)?

HugesxRoy or RoyxHughes, because I think the friendship/bond the two had transcends any romantic relationship.

What pairing makes the least amount of sense?
I don't read any pairing I don't care about, so not sure.

Which is better: FMA yaoi, or FMA yuri?

Yaoi. With exception of the "Boys and Girls" fic by mikkeneko and cryogenia.

Do you read/write FMA fanfiction?

Read. Lots.

Do you look at/draw FMA fanart?

Look at, lots.

What do you think of FMA Mary Sues?

I try to avoid them.


Same as above.


Yes! Especially for post-movie.

Office sex?

*Nosebleed* Yes!

Do you think people write Envy OOC most of the time?

Don't read Envy fic. But EnvyxAnyone would be OOC. (See below for Envy's sexual preference).

Which is more canon (in the anime): Elricest or EdWin?

EdWin. Firm believer in that what Ed and Al have was more beautiful than anything else; adding in physical/romantic component seems to belittle what they have. (For me). Each would be passionate and loyal lovers to whoever, but the other brother will always come first, without question. (Which makes for awesome angst element ^_^) (*Points* In "Pawns" by velvet_mace, Winry wondering whether she is playing "Ed" for Al when Ed's not around. THAT's what I'm talking about.)

Which is more canon (in the anime): Royai or RoyxHughes?

RoyxHawkeye. See above comment for least fav pairing.

Would Dante ever open up to anyone?

She probably doesn't think anyone is worth her grains.

Is Envy gay, or would he go with a woman as well?

I don't think Envy is a sexual creature. Humans and other Homoculous are more like ants to play with and to stomp on. (No offense to ants.)

Does Ed really have a crush on Roy?

Probably more like grudging respect (Ed will never consciously formulate that thought.)

Does Roy return the feelings?

Roy cares more for Ed than Ed for Roy (see episode by Risembol river), and he respects Ed in some ways. I think somehow during his quest, he came to identify himself with Ed, each with their own "impossible quest".

What is the most plausible (non-canon) het pairing?

Have not read any het to know.

The most plausible yaoi pairing?

In my twisted mind, RoyxEd. In movie, HeixEd.

The most plausible yuri pairing?

Not my cup of tea.

Can Envy make m-preg work?

*Extremely disturbed* I sincerely hope not.

Is HughesxGracia cute?

More like the whole Hughes family.

Who’s your favorite fanfiction author?

>>> I will have to fill this in later.

Do you read doujinshi? If so, recommend a good one!

Anything by Idea/Rin Seina, certain ones by GD Mechano, Daen, Castanet, and selected few from Bambi Takada. Would like to see more from RH+ and Avant-Garde. Unfortunately, many dj!Ed is overly uke-ish/feminized and melancholic lacks the fierce spirit that I like so much (Though I like girl!Ed, that's a separate issue).

Which is better: non-con or romance?

Which is better, popcorn or ketchup?

Who is the best character to use in pairings?

Ed. I think someone(?) commented that he's the most aggressive and vulnerable thus most versatile, and I second that.

And the worst?


Do you get mad at people who don’t like the same pairings you do?

Whatever floats your boat. Just don't bash other people.

meme, fullmetal alchemist

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