Watched my FF7AC dvd for the first time yesterday (3rd time I've seen the movie. first two via fansub version). There were definitely new scenes!!!!!!! I was so surprised, didn't know they added new scenes to the initial release!!
Ex. the scene where Rufus' geostigma was healed in the rain. And couple changes too, or did Aerith/whoever really flooded the church during the Cloud and Kadaj fight in the initial release? Think the part where Vincent showed up in Forbidden Forest was different too but not sure. And the last scene with Cloud, the entire FF7 gang, and the children in the church was definitely extended (and ouch, the cheez!! *shivers*). Overall, I don't know if the new scenes made the movie better; it did made the already cheezy movie even cheezier.
(Yeah, I have a fundamental problem with the movie: I just couldn't see (or I really hope) that Cloud still stuck in past after the end of PS game. When playing the game, I felt that he made peace with his troubled past; so this very insecure, indecisive, insensitive and lost post-FF7 Cloud was kinda weird for me. Another fundamental problem was Zack was off-character in the clips, like flippy and aloof and cynical and weeeird!!! Who made Zack this way??? Go back and replay the FF7 in-game clips!! At least you guys got it right at the beginning of Crisis Core.) (Also, the hero of FF7 was originally designed with Angeal's looks? MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Imagine a FF7 with Angeal vs Sephiroth face off. Would be very different indeed.)
All in all, a VERY satisfying treat *sign of satisfaction* What I love the most was still the lovely rendering of the original FF7 universe, the characters and ESPECIALLY the buildings and the surroundings!! Honestly, if they ever release a redo of FF7, I'll definitely buy it, like two copies of it (one to play and one to worship). I hope they will but doubt it, since in the "making" bonus with Nomura and other big guns talking about making AC, Nomura mentioned that FF7 is like a panodra's box. They were afraid to open it (and was hesitant to make Advent Children at first). So I'm thinking unless they feel they can do an absolutely stunning extraordinary job, they won't do a remake. If they do, there's also the issue of how to tell a compelling story when everyone already know the ending. If you bring in something totally different, the old fans will be pissed (I would). If it's exactly the same, it might be boring for some (not me!). (And I can't imagine FF7 being done in FF10 or FF12 styles... FF13, maybe.)
Couple things from the movie:
- Sephiroth could control the weather!! ROAR!!!!!! I mean, Black Material, yes meteor yeah, but calling up a swirl of black clouds with a swish of hand? =D HELL YEAH!!
- Love all the fabric textures! Beautiful! Cloud' outfit, Aerith's dress and jacket!
- Nnn, I still don't like seeing the silver haired trio, since Sephiroth and Riku already took the places of older and younger silver hair men in my head. So any more silver hair male seems like copycat, especially with similarity in looks between Riku and Kadaj. Not as put off by them this time though.
- Cloud did a Roxas move when he was using two blades and jumping up in the Forbidden City!!!! Man, Org XIII in FF7 universe will be awesome~ (author laylah actually wrote a nice AU on this. think she's over at IJ now.)
- What would we do without the Turks? <3 I have to say, the sexiest person in the movie was Rufus.
- Man I wish the old gang would have a bigger role. I find it hard to believe that they'll let Cloud duke it out with all three silver teenagers and then Sephiroth all by himself.
- ... Cloud was really very troubled *=understatement*. You know, those kind of thing can eat people alive the longer it's around. How did he survive two years without, well, offing himself?
- Mucho applause to Tifa for sticking by Cloud all this time. But she spent too much time gazing *insert sparkles* at Cloud/enemy/surrounding.
- Damn, was Vincent this funny in the initial releaes? "I need to buy a phone"??? In the game, he was also hilarious when I took Cloud, Cid and him over to Wutai for the Yuffie sidequest!
- Just realized that Cloud's extra sleeve was to cover his geostigma!!! Me very observent.
And best of them all,
- Yuffie: "That's Cloud. Pain in the ass." MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Need original japanese script! *Hug both Cloud and Yuffie*
=D =D =D