Well for a bit anyway. I've found somewhat cheap pre-paid internet so while i have money i'll have the internet and when centrelink hates me (or i'd prefer to eat) i'll probably have none but at the moment all my first assessments are due so I really need it on
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Comments 7
And wow! on group work not leading to slaughter. I hate group work with a passion, even now when it involves putting services together.
Hey, I just read a copy of John Barrowman's autobiography. Have you read it? If not, would you like to borrow my copy for some extremely light reading when you need it?
I have to say one of the groups i'm in might be on the verge of it but generally it's all been good.
I do have a copy of Johns book but thanks! Actually I have it on Audio book as well (long story as to why i have both) but if you want a copy of that let me know. It's the same of course but John does some of it in his Scottish accent and starts singing randomly as well so it's a fun listen.
Give me a man with a Scottish accent and I'm his. (Doesn't work so much with women; Scottish-accented women just remind me of my Mum and Granny and aunt.) If David Tennant and John Barrowman ever used their Scottish accents on Who I would melt!
BTW you know they went back and recorded Hamlet with Tennant and Patrick Stewart right? Should be out on DVD in a couple of months.
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