The family member with covid is past the infectious stage and recovering, and apparently nobody else in the house has got it, so hoorah for that. I missed being able to casually whip into the supermarket.
That *is* good news! The finger crossing must have worked.
Talking of shopping... I heard an item on the news covering the riots in Shanghai where people are under severe lockdown rules and even forbidden to go and buy food, hence the government was doing the shopping! I wondered if it was true as I find it hard to imagine.
Alas, it looks like her recovery will be a little slower than we'd hoped. She had a bunch of steroids, which did the job, but perhaps too well. The asthma is gone but so is the energy right now that steroids are out of the system. But we'll see.
Comments 4
Talking of shopping... I heard an item on the news covering the riots in Shanghai where people are under severe lockdown rules and even forbidden to go and buy food, hence the government was doing the shopping! I wondered if it was true as I find it hard to imagine.
Yep, here's to finger crossing, and steroids and vaxxing and masks, which probably all played their part. :-)
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