Title: Potion Gives Hardness
Author: mactunes
Rating: R
Word Count:100 x 2
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Snap! Are you blasted or blessed? (Advent Day 9)
Author’s note: Going to try advent type of jokes done by the Twins on Snape and Harry. Let’s see if I get tired of this soon.
“I love Christmas candies, do you know that I seldom get to eat those except those I happen to taste while making it?”
“Is that why you are making those now?”
“I know something better than these hard candies.”
“Really? Show me!”
“Ah! You will need Professor Snape’s help. Go back and pour this over his *snickers* long candy.”
“I didn’t know Severus has a long candy…”
“You dolt, you had been sucking it- Oops!”
“Mr. Fred Weasley, I will thank you for not teaching Harry anymore unusual things, unless it is very beneficial for me.”
“Show me, Severus.”
Much, much later.
“I am going to get my revenge on those blasted Weasleys one of these days.”
“Wow! Severus, you are still hard, I never knew you could remain like this for so long.”
“Whatever was in the concoction that you poured over me?”
“I don’t know, Fred gave it to me. Said that I should pour it over you and I will get a very long and hard candy. Well! He was right. This Severus-flavoured candy is delicious. Mmmm…”
“Ah… Harry, you will be the death of me. Remind me to brew something to thank those blessed twins.”