Title: Magic Gives Chaos
Author: mactunes
Rating: R
Word Count:100 x 3
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Snap! Chaos reign over magic-less day (Advent Day 11)
Author’s note: Going to try advent type of jokes done by the Twins on Snape and Harry. Let’s see if I get tired of this soon.
“Potter! Why can’t I cast any spells?”
“What do you mean?”
“I tried to cast a simple scourgify spell. It won’t work!”
“Let me try… Oh no! I can’t either! Why can’t I? What is happening?”
“Calm yourself. Did you bring anything back from the blasted Weasleys yesterday?”
“I didn’t bring back anything, I got the refund from Fred on the ring. I will need to buy a new one. Eww, the smell on the ring was horrible. All I took home was the cute pygmy puff. It was so cute.”
“Where is this pygmy puff?”
“There- Hey! It’s gone!”
“I can’t even cast a simple “point-me” spell! How are we going to find that pugmy stuff?”
“It’s pygmy puff!”
“Whatever! You are not to take anything those blasted twins gave you!”
“I didn’t know!”
“Well, you should by now!”
“We will just have to make ado without magic for the day. We can’t even fire-call Fred or George.”
“Mr. Potter, how could you imagine that we can even exist without magic for one day?”
“Well, I can!”
“You were with the muggles, in case you didn’t notice, all things are made by magic here. No magic means no life!”
“Well, Potter, you managed to do the impossible again.”
“I didn’t, I was just being me.”
“You calmed down the elves and taught them how to work without magic, cleaned up the mess by hand, owled the Weasley to clear up the no-magic spell and getting compensated for the inconvenience.”
“Well, now that you said -”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
“Yes, oh. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to brew something nasty for the twins.”
“Can I help?”
“No - on second thoughts, come, I need something to spice up the taste.”
“I’d love to come for you.”