Title: Stains Give Trouble
Author: mactunes
Rating: R
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Snap! Testing new product? (Advent Day 1)
Author’s note: Going to try advent type of jokes done by the Twins on Snape and Harry. Let’s see if I get tired of this soon.
“Mr. Potter! What is this?”
“Why are you holding my dirty clothes? I did throw them in the laundry hamper, I swear I didn’t litter the room!”
“I was going to do some laundry. Separating the whites from the coloured. Then I found these stains. Please explain yourself, Mr. Potter!”
“Uh… I was at the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, then Fred was testing a new product on George. Then he started squirting all over the place over an hour. Eww..”
“I hope you didn’t test that product too.”
“Uh.. I accidentally swallowed one candy. Been so hard waiting for you.”