Title: Closure Gives Mischief
Author: mactunes
Rating: R
Word Count:100
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Snap! Locked in. (Advent Day 6)
Author’s note: Going to try advent type of jokes done by the Twins on Snape and Harry. Let’s see if I get tired of this soon.
"Oomf! Why can't I open this door?"
"Uh... It's the Vanishing closet. You can’t open the door from inside. I have no idea where we are now. Probably the dungeons. Brr… It’s cold!"
"I demand that you let me out! Now, Mr. Potter."
"I can't, I don't know how."
"Who pushed me?"
"Why didn't you warn me?"
"I couldn't. I lost the bet."
"You were using me as a bet?"
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry can't help you. You are locked up with me in this closet. Be prepared to be taken!"
“Merlin! It pays to be on the losing side.”