Lots and lots of things!

Dec 18, 2008 14:52

FOTDs & Haul

I didn't like this look but it was my first time using Off the Radar pigment, which I LOVE


This was the other night when I got off work

Bare canvas, Macroviolet, Sketch, Shale, Pink Opal, Golden Olive on waterline, Blacktrack, Gingerly blush


Since doing my eyes becomes more frustrating everyday (I still need to go to MAC so they can reteach me...=/) I've gained more and more of an interest in bold lips which I had always been afraid of.

I have candy in my mouth in all those pictures

This is yesterday with Burgundy lipliner and Ruby Woo lipstick.. I got compliments at two different MAC stores! Ummm Bare canvas, Tan pigment, Tempting eyeshadow, Chocolate Brown pigment, ummm can't really remember, Gingerly blush


I've been to sooo many different MACs this week. I'm supposed to be getting Christmas presents but I can't help adding on for myself :(
I got a blush pan, yayyy first one! Coppertone blush, Secret Blush beauty power blush, Sashimi Mimi lipstick and the 188! I'm excited about all these purchses.

Shashimi Mimi
Theres just blacktrack and a wash of Pink Opal and Coco pigments on my eyes, I had just taken off the Bright fuschia look I was wearing earlier

I've decided that when I get my Shih tzu her name is gonna be Sashimi Mimi:)

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