(no subject)

Aug 03, 2007 16:58

I just finished reading this book. het It's a vampire story but the author prefers to call it "carpathian".

Been reading a few vampire slash *points at guilty hpvamp* and Nocturne - which I re-read a lot of times. These prompted me to read some kind of vampire/dark novel. Is this bad or good?

Dark Desire by Christine Feehan.

Quoting from this site:-

Dark Prince by Christine Feehan is her first novel in the continuing series about the Carpathians.

The Carpathians are a different breed of being and they are slowly dying out. Needing blood to survive they have the powers to shapeshift, they are telepathic, they can become the mist and can fly. Taking their power from the healing earth of the Carpathian Mountains they appear to first appearances to be the vampires of myths. But essentially they are not.

The males of the species lose all emotions after around 200 years of living. When they can no longer bear the lack of emotions they have two choices. They can either go out into the deadly rays of the sun or they can have the fleeting emotions that come from the kill of a victim…they turn vampire.

The only way to avoid this fate is for them to find their lifemate. When they have found them their emotions return, they see in colour again and once they have been bound together they are able to avoid the fate of becoming a vampire. But it is becoming increasingly difficult for the males to find their lifemates. The women are becoming fewer and the last Carpathian female to be born was several hundred years ago. The Carpathian women rarely carry a child full term and many of the children die within the first year of their birth.

Mikhail Dubrinsky is the leader of the Carpathians and is one of the ancients. He is on the brink of turning and makes the choice that he can no longer continue - he decides to destroy himself. Thankfully he is stopped from this by the telepathic voice of human psychic Raven.

Conversing with each other through the mind Raven convinces him not to take his own life and Mikhail goes to seek out the woman who has brought him back from the brink.

Startled at first to realise that he is seeing her in colour he soon realises that she is the lifemate he is searching for and he resolves to make her his own forever. If he should lose her now he knows that nothing will stop him for either destroying himself or turning vampire.

Raven Whitney is a true psychic. She has used her power to help track down serial killers and this type of work has taken its toll on her. Alone all her life she is afraid of the touch of anyone because she cannot control the flood of images and emotions that someone’s touch can bring into her mind. In particular the touch of someone truly evil can cause her to be violently ill.

After her latest job she has come to the Carpathian Mountains to shake off the feelings of evil that the last killer has left with her. She does not expect to find more evil there. But evil she does find when Mikhail’s sister Noelle is brutally murdered in classic vampire style.

Raven does not imagine that Mikhail and his people are anything more than human psychics and she does not for a moment realise the world she has just entered. For someone who has never let anyone close to her she is about to find her life entwined with that of Mikhail and his people; and for an independent woman like Raven the hardest challenge may not be accepting that the Carpathian’s exist but accepting that the men of the species have not completely left the Dark Ages and are determined that she stay at home out of harms way.

The Carpathians protect their women at all costs; they and the children are more precious to them than their own lives. But Mikhail finds that Raven is not so easily dictated to. Used to being right in the thick of things she is determined not to stay away when she knows she can help. Which means plenty of conflict and fireworks of course.

Raven must learn that the Carpathians are not human and have entirely different values to the human race before she and Mikhail have any hope of a future together, despite the bond that Mikhail has made between them.

The first book is a powerful story that has all the makings of a classic. Christine Feehan has breathed life back into the old vampires legends, given them an entirely new twist and created the enchanting world of the Carpathians.

With lots of secondary characters with their own books to follow the reader will be delighted to know that the end of this book will not be the end of the journey with the Carpathians.

End Quote.

Author's own site - Christine Feehan: Dark series.


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