I've known for a while that the time of my computer's demise was nigh...it seems that it picked a fairly decent time to go. (Hurray for asking for gift cards this year.) So as we speak my computer is a glorified paper weight and phone charger. (I think five years was a pretty decent run for it considering how much gaming was done from it.) Thankfully any important documents were saved either to thumb drive or email...so all is not lost!
You probably won't hear much from me until parts for a new rig are ordered, shipped, and pieced together. Work's been a bit of a bear, but I'm netting crazy overtime due to it. The heenee (read: H1N1) scare along with rising unemployment ( I believe we're at 12% locally) has caused record ER attendance among other things. And, again, I'm looking forward to working Christmas three years running (my choice).
So other than phone surfing (like this instance) my internet usage has plumetted. So if you don't hear from me...happy new year! Hope to be back by early 2010!