I have a computer...and it works?!
How novel.
It's only been what? A month since I last posted anything to my LJ? I am so slacking off. We'll have to fix that in the coming days. At the moment, I've got a flurry of downloads/installations going. Star Trek Online, WoW, Open Office, Photoshop, uTorrent...the list goes on.
Yes, that's right. I'll be poking around Star Trek Online in the coming days, I have my open beta invite sitting around ready to be put into use...just a few more hours now... If there's anyone else interested in flying their own craft around (I'll likely be doing the science vessel primarily, with a alt character who'll be roaming the wide open void in a tactical ship...or maybe I'll take the engineering track? Who knows.)
How my bookmarks looks quite barren. /sigh.
Ahem. Let's see, let's see... There were a few prompts that looked fun/promising, then there was that Truman Show crossover that was shaping up all right which became promptly filed away for no particular reason (Sorry
pixelmayhem !), a Reaper!Bones story set apart from my original WIP, and a few miscellaneous tidbits. Those being that Vampire modern!au I've been pondering for some time now (I still can't come up with anything concrete) and a wild west!au. Or what could become a fascinating RPG.
Lastly: it's likely nothing I'll play with for quite some time...
Does anyone remember those choose your own adventure books that were fairly popular with young adult novels back in the 90's? Well, why not get a bunch of authors together, throw some ideas around, then get them all to collaborate on one story with multiple endings...and kinks? A different pairing every time one story is completed. 'eh, at least the idea sounds fun to me.
That's all for the time being. Oh! I nearly forgot: I've been on a Johnny Cash kick as of late,
here's one to fill the quite space.