I have this all over semi-giddy nervous energy going right now. It's due to the fact I've never adapted well to change. It must have something to do with the fear of the unknown or even that of failure. Though, I find it difficult to fail in the first week of starting a new position in the same place I've worked at for years. Waking up an hour earlier (that'll make it a 4:30a alarm call now) hasn't bothered me as much as originally anticipated. Turning into a pumpkin at ten instead of eleven is somewhat irksome, I must admit. And since it's inter-departmental I'm still around a lot of the faces I've known, so that's no big thing. Figuring out new procedures in a timely manner and having to know where everything is located can also be bothersome, as we're understaffed for the foreseeable future. Which, oddly enough, is why I decided to make the switch. Something new, different, and not the same ol' same ol'.
And still, there's this energy, this anxiety that creeps in. It sucks. Something to get over with time I suppose.
Open Office is finally re-installed. Yay. (Hurray for storing a story idea piece by piece on LJ.) I've also taken steps to find a MP3 downloader. The reason? I'm looking at a new fanmix. Only seven songs thus far, including such artists as Franz Ferdinand, Incubus, and Saliva. Nothing calms the nerves like music, and seeing since most forms of post-work recreation aren't doing it for me (including reading, writing, and watching movies/tv); putting oneself to a goal like CD making is at least something.
TL;DR -- Work sucks, fanmix in the making.