Long meme swiped from KT3

May 11, 2005 10:03

I am so cutting the categories down, because this'll take me forever.

Who is/are your favourite person/people on your Friends List (for you) to...

...admire for their ambition? redwing, renfairegirl03, treyan, bookwench, dave_the_pak, rosemarielynn

...admire for their creativity? Holy hell, that's just about everybody, but especially renfairegirl03, ronnalmighty, claire_redfield, treyan, sierra_omega, junobean, dave_the_pak, robgonzo, turtliewings

...admire for their devotion? zweasel101, rosemarielynn, piano_md, mikeoquinn, hormoth, beylit, kingwamba, katjabee, kangitanka3, smokin_man, and tigerlady1974

...admire for their endurance? smokin_man, kingwamba, dusktintedkiss

...admire for their generosity? rosemarielynn, renfairegirl03, irishchild81, smokin_man, tigerlady1974, fakefriar, zweasel101, dave_the_pak, bathcandy

...admire for their good sense? fakefriar, bookwench, dave_the_pak, kathyc514, thebb33, bathcandy

...admire for their intelligence? bookwench, dave_the_pak, gilesdancer, renfairegirl03, rosemarielynn, 3horn, treyan, robgonzo, kingwamba, macavity166 and a whole slew of other people.

...admire for their passion? irishchild81, dave_the_pak, renfairegirl03, sashastarchaser, kangitanka3, tigerlady1974, thebb73, smokin_man, katjabee, treyan

...admire for their patience? zweasel101, hands down. He has to deal with ME, after all. But also sashastarchaser, fakefriar, renfairegirl03, dave_the_pak

...admire for their resourcefulness? gem_handler, renfairegirl03, nitsky416

...admire for their strength? thebb73, smokin_man, tigerlady1974, sashastarchaser, jojo_qtpie, kathyc514, lys1022, fakefriar

...admire for their sweetness? quietisrafel, treyan, dusktintedkiss

...admire for their talents? This is...well, everybody. On the friends list or on Faire cast. Period. [hugs]

...admire for their wackiness? So, so many. But the ones that stick out are: twilight_kat, ronnalmighty, nitsy416, dusktintedkiss, zastomp

...admire for their wisdom? bathcandy, kathyc514, thebb73, kangitanka3, dave_the_pak, ravenared

...admire for their wittiness? dave_the_pak, robgonzo, turtliewings, and while I don't know his screenname, Roger.

...admire from afar(I'm putting in the addendum of any form of admiration)? zweasel101. Now let's see how many men/women I can have blushing while they read this...hmm...nitsky416, redwing, renfairegirl03, sashastarchaser, fakefriar, MattC (who doesn't have a sn, as far as I know), dave_the_pak, gem_handler, mikeoquinn, lebean, beylit, kangitanka3, treyan, sierra_omega, malthol, macavity166, zastomp

...be nurtured by (gotta love that maternal/paternal instinct)? fakefriar. Heh. irishchild81, kathyc514, bathcandy, thebb73, tigerlady1974, and, let's face it, renfairegirl03 (love you, Phei.)

...cheer you up? zweasel101, renfairegirl03, rosemarielynn, nitsky416, zastomp, dave_the_pak, fakefriar

...cuddle with? zweasel101, of course.

...dance with? zweasel101, renfairegirl03, rosemarielynn, fakefriar, gilesdancer, dave_the_pak, 3horn, jojo_qtpie, irishchild81, gem_handler, and firestarter333

...debate with? dave_the_pak, gilesdancer, kangitanka3, macavity166 (why are they all men?)

...flirt with? zweasel101. Although I must say that it's fun to watch reactions from gem_handler, dave_the_pak, mikeoquinn, MattC (especially him, heh), zastomp, and fakefriar (when in character).

...game with? rosemarielynn, zweasel101, antihero03, sierra_omega, macavity166, iam_sparticus, claire_redfield and the heidi-chan. I'd imagine gaming with kangitanka3, kingwamba, katjabee, sashastarchaser and MattC would be very fun as well, though. ^_^

...geek out with? All my gamer friends, zweasel101, fakefriar and dave_the_pak

...get into trouble/raise hell with? Heh, it's sad that the first person to come to mind doesn't have a screenname. That would be my Bethany. Next up, renfairegirl03, nitsky416.

...go out to eat with? Um, faire cast in general. Although our tried and true little group of renfairegirl, turtliewings, treyan, fakefriar, gem_handler and pettijohn seems to be working nicely.

...go shopping with? Hmm, don't shop much, but renfairegirl03 and rosemarielynn are always good buddies.

...go to the movies with? Anybody who will mst3k a sucky movie with me in the back. ^_^

...party with? Everybody!

...perform with? The gypsies, though especially sashastarchaser and fakefriar. Kangitanka3, treyan, turtliewings, renfairegirl03, smokin_man. So many others. You all rock my world!

...reminisce with? nitsky416, rosemarielynn, quietisrafel

...talk academic subjects with? dave_the_pak, pretty much hands down.

...talk religion and spirituality with? My amazing roomie rosemarielynn

...torment and/or tease? Heh. Such a long list. Nitsky416, zweasel101, fakefriar, gem_handler and dave_the_pak come immediately to mind, however.

...travel with? zweasel101, Bethany, renfairegirl03, rosemarielynn, gem_handler
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