Title: Ice Fortress
Chapters: Oneshot (drabble)
machete_rose Genre: Fluff? Slight angst?
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I do not own the GazettE. Sadness.
Rating: G
Pairings/Characters: Reita/Ruki
Synopsis: Ruki lives in an ice fortress. (Sorry, there's not much I can say about a drabble like this, lol.)
Comments: Titled after a song of the same name by the Korean band Dear Cloud. Comments are appreciated!
Ruki lives in an ice fortress. Solid walls of translucence allow him to see beyond the confines of his dwelling, allow those outside to catch just a glimpse of the prince perched on a throne of clear blue.
Ruki sleeps alone in this ice fortress. No footsteps echo in the silence, no clamor reaches him as he lies under cold sheets, waiting. Waiting for what? No one can penetrate these walls that he has built around himself.
Ruki can see someone approach his ice fortress. His heart jumps a little, just a little. The solitary figure stands at the edge, beyond the walls that protect him, that imprison him. Slowly, quickly, the figure raises an arm, touches a single palm upon the smooth cold.
Ruki feels his ice fortress weaken. As those walls melt and crumble around him, permitting entry to the heart that hides within, Ruki watches. And he knows that this visitor’s touch must be warm, too warm. He keeps watching, waiting, hoping as Reita steps carefully, carelessly around the remnants of his ice fortress. And he knows that Reita is the one who can maybe, definitely save him.