Title: Wherever You Are
Chapters: Oneshot
machete_roseGenre: Angst
Warnings: Identity disorder, abuse
Disclaimer: I do not own the GazettE. Sadness.
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Reita/Ruki
Summary: Sometimes Ruki wished he could see just a little less of the real Reita.
Comments: Written for the AU fiction contest at
It was warm in his bed, too warm, even though outside his window blew winter-chilled breezes and dustings of lingering snow. )
Comments 9
Anyhoo, I really did enjoy this piece -- the subtlety and the dark tone were done very nicely. The idea of personality disorders in the form of their stage persona was always something that interested me. I think you did a beautiful job in creating such a moment. This certainly served as a wonderful break from all the fluff that I've been reading lately, haha.
Lovely, as always :)
Thank you! Funnily enough, this actually started off as a fluff piece and then somehow morphed into angst. But I also find the personality disorder idea interesting, so I quite like where this ended up. :3
it's so nice and well-written.
and it doesn't apply to Akira and Taka...
a lot of relationships end up badly because of such hindrances
and it doesn't apply to Akira and Taka...only
also to others too
sorry (^^)=3
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