
Jun 23, 2010 00:54

Why is it that when you start a new relationship with someone, the people that turned you down before suddenly want you. And now more come your way. Where were they all when you needed them before. Thought the thought about having more than one is tempting and frustrating at the same time.
Too little too late I say

new relationships, being good, women, cheating, temptation

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Comments 4

nevafeva June 23 2010, 04:57:50 UTC
People always want what they cannot have. Human nature is a cruel bitch.


machinedelmorte June 23 2010, 10:24:25 UTC
it is going both ways for me right now.


zachariahskylab June 23 2010, 15:12:46 UTC
Yes. There is certainly something to that. Back when they turned you down you didn't look so good, but now that someone else has picked you up, everyone wants to find out what they missed out on.


machinedelmorte June 23 2010, 22:01:35 UTC
the part that sucks is that I would like to take them up on the offers but that would be cheating and I don't cheat.


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