I want: to feel normal for once
I have: a headache
I wish: I could figure people out, and know who the good and the bad people are.
I crave: ice cream
I regret: last summer pretty much
I love: Zoe
I hate: School
I miss: cuddling
I fear: never figuring myself out
I see: love in your future
I hear: Maroon 5
I search: for myself
I wonder: who i'll still know in a year
When was the last time you.. .
Smiled? an hour ago abouts
Laughed? same as above
Cried? yesterday
Bought something? yesturday
Danced? saturday
Were sarcastic? at track
Hugged someone? Today
Talked to an ex? today
Watched your favorite movie? a couple weeks ago
Had a nightmare? uhh like a week ago
Last book you read: I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings
Last movie you saw: Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Last movie you saw on the big screen: Hildalgo
Last phone number you called: my mom
Last show you watched on TV: room raiders or something
Last song you heard: She Will Be Loved-Maroon 5
Last thing you had to drink: margarita mix, NO TEQUILA
Last thing you ate: peanut butter and jelly
Do You..
Smoke? done
Do drugs? done
Have sex? had
Sleep with stuffed animal? YES
Have a boy/girlfriend?nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back? yup
Play an instrument? nope, no musical talant at all
Believe there is life on other planets? yup
Remember your first love? yes
Still love him/her?
Read the newspaper? yes
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yup
Believe in miracles? no
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yup
Consider yourself tolerant of others? yes.
Consider police a friend or foe? hmm depends. whatever.
Have a favorite Stooge? Mo
Believe in Astrology? no, but it's fun
Believe in magic? not really
Have any secrets? yes
Have any pets? ZOE ROSE
Talk to strangers? strangers scare me
Wear hats? on the weekends haha
Have any piercings? three in my ears and belly button
Have any tattoos? no
Hate yourself? hate is such a strong word
Have a horny spot? wtf
Get horny easy? no
Have a best friend? no
Wish on stars? not in a while. i will tonight tho. i like doing that
Like your handwriting? nope
Have any bad habits? yes
Believe in ghosts? Yes
Believe in Santa? you have to beleive in santa in order to get santa claus presents
Believe in the Easter Bunny? never did. the bunny is stupid
Believe in the Tooth Fairy? OF COURSSSSSSSSSE
Have a second family? nope
Trust others easily? takes a bit
Kiss with your eyes closed? sometimes open when i want to freak them out
Sing in the shower? oh yes. i am a superstar
Own handcuffs? nope
Have any scars? physical- like, six. ha.emotional- a couple. but whatev..