I stole these from one of
esso's friends,
darknight999 (who probably doesn't even know I exist, but has one of the coolest
user-info pages I've ever seen!). Yes, I'm doing this instead of uniwork. Leave me alone.
Happy, Tych? I cut it. Everyone else, go look at my funky quizzes! )
Comments 5
Besides, how many times have you actually opened an lj-cut in the last, say, six months? I'll bet it's not that many...
Even the quiz ones.
So yeah, my revenge is snide little comments every time I do an lj-cut. I predict this will last maybe five days, then I'll get bored. But snideness is fuuun.
And, one last question: even if you open every single lj-cut, do you actually read all of them?
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