Hallo! Er, not that I object necessarily to suddenly finding myself a moderator of a community, especially on bioethics, but I'm sort of wondering how/why I got tagged, since to my knowledge we don't know one another - this being the only way I can get ahold of you. ;)
Yeah, I have no idea how that happened either. perhaps the Orig. Moderator/maintainer decided to leave and left the community in our stead? Because we're super smart and groovy and fun like that? Just a guess. :)
I'll go ahead and add you so you can read up a bit if you like; If you'd do the same for me.
Oh, you're new too? Haha - that just makes it funny and weird. Maybe we won by random lottery.
I'll certainly add you, although fair warning is that I do most of my official academic stuff over at my blog, Academia as an Extreme Sport, which is RSS'd here to LJ as... er... you'd think I'd know this, having set up the feed. Ah yeah, extremeacademia.
from sufjan boardstatictigerOctober 24 2006, 18:15:55 UTC
random question: on the sufjan board, you just posted a bunch of icons. in number eight, there are like squiggly things all around the font... i was wondering if that was a font you're using? and if so, where'd you find it? or if you designed hte effect yourself, just briefly-- how?sorry, just curious :)
Comments 125
I'll go ahead and add you so you can read up a bit if you like; If you'd do the same for me.
I'll certainly add you, although fair warning is that I do most of my official academic stuff over at my blog, Academia as an Extreme Sport, which is RSS'd here to LJ as... er... you'd think I'd know this, having set up the feed. Ah yeah, extremeacademia.
friended! if you'd friend me back as well...
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