Here goes my life. Via twitter.

Sep 29, 2009 22:10

  • 23:11 @ ashleyyysharp hey, I get to fail 5 in a week! weee #
  • 23:17 Why won't illegal immigrants just become citizens? Then they don't have to complain sfm! #
  • 00:07 I can't stop listening to music long enough to concentrate on Government. Oh well, what's another bad grade... #
  • 00:08 Also, She & Him need to hurry up with that new record. #
  • 00:10 @ ashleyyysharp lol! Good times, good times. Do you know yet, though? haha #
  • 00:11 @ ashleyyysharp C. lololol #
  • 00:12 @ ashleyyysharp I meant C as in si lol #
  • 00:15 "So don't sit next to me, sit by youself." #
  • 00:16 @ ashleyyysharp who cares who you annoy? Lol twitter is for that! haha #
  • 00:17 Oh hey, did I mention I hate AP Am. Gov. tests? #
  • 00:19 @ ashleyyysharp Well I talk a bunch when..well, always. So yeah. Ha. #
  • 00:20 Ok, so like, I don't even know where to start studying for this test. There is SOMUCHSTUFF. #
  • 00:20 Just saw a trailer for Saw VI. Seriously? #
  • 00:28 @ lookitspaige um cw & nsn or mm? Jw lol #
  • 00:32 You know what show I miss (reruns of)? "Kids Say the Darndest Things." #
  • 00:33 Paramore on Conan, weee! #
  • 00:33 Hayley's hair :( #
  • 00:36 So, I love @itstayloryall. And he is in the TV box right now. #
  • 00:39 On Kerry's last soundbites, she wrote the lyrics to random songs like "Single Ladies" in the blanks and still got full credit for them. lmao #
  • 00:45 @ lookitspaige what'd she say, duh i already know? Lol i hate people like thaaat. #
  • 00:47 @ lookitspaige woww. Is it one of those things where it started out as a joke and then she got way retardedly serious about it? lol #
  • 00:50 I miss 8th grade US History. haha #
  • 00:51 @ lookitspaige I know EXACTLY what you mean. Utterly ridiculous. #
  • 01:08 Sleep, Bones, dreams, etc. #
  • 01:22 I cannot get comfortable. So it's gonna be one of *those* nights. Sigh. #
  • 08:18 I woke up late, so I actually really look/feel like a hobo today. #
  • 08:25 Also, first shirt I've reworn all year. Sad. #
  • 17:52 Lenny's with the team. What whattt. #
  • 18:21 @ Roossalliee I'm eating some cheese right now #
  • 19:37 Harding game. Yeahh, go Bisons! #
  • 21:01 Yeah, Bulgaria! My hero. Also, coincidentally, #13. Fate. #
  • 21:42 Gross: when people think they look good and let everything hang out but really, they aren't that teeny and hot. wtf #
  • 21:44 It's funny how we so aren't friends at school, then can be so close when we *actually* do something. #
  • 21:47 Today, I was actually in a genuinely happy mood for the most part. How do this happen and how do I keep it? #
  • 22:04 Me being paranoid: I wonder if my sister talks about me at her small group since I'm so kind of mean to her :\ #
  • 22:10 @ firstofoctober So not fair. #
  • 22:11 I have 3.5 tests tomorrow. This is a very testy (lol) week. Next week starts 9 weeks tests also. School sucks. #
  • 22:12 I'm going to be quite disappointed if my choir director chooses Disney World over NYC for our performance trip this year. NYC>DW. #
  • 22:13 @ firstofoctober Nah, the trips top learning for sure :) #
  • 22:17 @ firstofoctober I know it's sad, but I've been twice and even the 2nd time wasn't too magical :( The rides aren't even all that thrilling :\ #
  • 22:19 @ firstofoctober Nope, not yet. I'm so hard to please lol I hate it :( #
  • 22:21 @ firstofoctober Aw :( It pleases me well enough, but I've never been to NYC and realllyy want to go! I like new things lol #
  • 22:27 @ firstofoctober Yay :) Thanks for understanding lol #
  • 22:28 I haven't checked LJ in like forever, and I probably won't get to for quite a while. It feels so wrong. #
  • 22:29 I need my hands on a copy of Brand New Eyes. Like now. #
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