Here goes my life. Via twitter.

Oct 05, 2009 22:10

  • 00:44 Boy in the Time Capsule. BRAINY SMURF. I love the Smurfs. #
  • 00:46 Also, do ya think they realized that Terry & Janelle have the same last name as Rebecca? Stinson? It's not that common of a surname is it? #
  • 00:55 I start a lot of my tweets with "also"...and also, I feel like I've tweeted this before. #
  • 01:00 I'm sick of being the little outsider/intruder upon your perfect little life. You know you push me away on purpose, too. #
  • 01:00 It's not like I'm even worth it, anyways. #
  • 01:01 Gah, they were like thisclose to kissing at the end of that episode. #
  • 01:04 Secret in the Soil. This episodes are much more entertaining if you just pretend they're already a couple ;) lmao #
  • 01:13 Accidentally turned Spanish subtitles on, and it said,"¿A qué viene esa cara, Huesos?" LMAO, Huesos. The show is called Huesos. #
  • 01:23 Nada. Como yo pensaba. #
  • 01:30 I hate going to sleep feeling this, like a lost little scatter-brained & stressed puppy. Except uglier. ha #
  • 01:30 Everytime I watch this episode, I get a strong craving for a pineapple smoothie. #
  • 01:37 And it makes me want some bamboo sunglasses. So cool. #
  • 08:04 I say this pretty much every Monday, but this one will be extra long. I have a ton to do, and I didn't get to sleep until 4:30. #
  • 08:11 Oh, and the rain is SO not helping my sleepy mood. #
  • 11:49 Definition of awkward, fershure. #
  • 18:33 @ ashleyyysharp I accidentally download that last month! Lol! I was like huhhh, and then i was like ooh good lol #
  • 18:43 Everyone: PLEASE PRAY THAT IT DOESN'T RAIN ON FRIDAY. There's a 60% chance D: #
  • 19:00 Listening to a 4th grader read to me, haha. #
  • 20:49 Finally home! But my shirt is covered with snot and slobber. Oh happy day. #
  • 20:49 Good news: my volleyball bag is back! Thank you sfm @jaykayedee11! #
  • 20:56 @ jaykayedee11 you only owed me $1 but sure you're cleared :P #
  • 21:03 @ ashleyyysharp maybe that means mine will come in soon! #
  • 21:06 WWE is the dumbest thing. Two hours to watch in hopes of seeing Skillet. Oh my. #
  • 21:15 These wrestlers are horrible actors. #
  • 21:33 I totally just saw @koreycooper on the TV box. #
  • 21:47 It's funny how you care so much about things that don't matter and then care so less about things that do. #
  • 22:00 It's sad you let it go this far. Now it'll never be the same. #
  • 22:08 People are pathetic cowards. #
  • 22:09 MONSTER playing on WWE! :D #
  • 22:09 @ jaykayedee11 Yes, I hate people. #
  • 22:11 @ jaykayedee11 Nah, you just used inductive reasoning haha #
  • 22:14 @ jaykayedee11 you? Lol david boreanaz? lmaoo #
  • 22:15 Yay, I saw Skillet, like legit. I can now change it. #
  • 22:20 @ jaykayedee11 of course!! You know it :P #
  • 23:02 Love Lea Michele, hate David Letterman. What to do, what to do... I think I'll watch anyways. #
  • 23:03 Also: Kristen Wiig on Fallon tonight. Looove her. #
  • 23:07 I can't fully enjoy M&M's without peanuts. #
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