Oct 18, 2009 22:10
- 23:10 It kind of pisses me off that they didn't wait on us to take the Race picture for YB in front of the bus. Jerks. @ashleyyysharp #
- 23:22 bit.ly/7Twmr #
- 23:30 "Today, I realized the word bed actually looks like a bed. MLIA" #
- 23:31 "A fortnight ago I finally solved my rubiks cube. I waited two weeks to post this so that I could use the word fortnight." #
- 23:32 "Today at school I leaned back in my chair and it made a farting noise. I casually did it again so everybody would know it was the chair. " #
- 23:32 "Today, I realized that many MLIA stories are about Harry Potter, and none are about Twilight. I'm glad the average person has good taste. " #
- 23:34 I do this everyday. HAHAH "Today, I put my iPod on shuffle. I skipped most of the songs to get to the ones I like. MLIA" #
- 23:43 "Today I ate a tootsie pop. It took 473 licks to get to the tootsie roll center. You're welcome world. MLIA" #
- 23:52 bit.ly/CP1tt #
- 23:54 @ KateSees Kristen Wiig is my most favorite ever. #
- 23:54 "Today I had rice. I'm asian. MLIA" @kleonvan #
- 23:59 bit.ly/2OoGFr #
- 00:00 "Today I saw a crunchy looking leaf in the street. I went substantially out of my way in order to step on it. MLIA." #
- 00:00 Are you all getting tired of my MLIA tweets? Tell the truth or your pants will combust. lmaooo #
- 00:03 "Today, I renamed my iPod "This ship" just for the pleasure of seeing the phrase 'This ship is syncing' MLIA" #
- 00:05 "Today, I was sitting in my room & heard a little boy outside sneeze. I said bless you, and 5 seconds later, I heard a very hesitant 'God?'" #
- 00:06 bit.ly/Jxf32 #
- 00:11 I've done this soo many times LOLOLOL bit.ly/7eVW9 #
- 00:16 "Today for homework we had to combine two animals and descibe our creation. I combined a bee and a ostrich. I named it a beeotch. MLIA." #
- 00:22 OMGLMAO bit.ly/ajImo #
- 00:25 bit.ly/SXpVp #
- 00:26 Proof that FML<MLIA bit.ly/GdRTS #
- 00:28 I LOVE OLD PEOPLE bit.ly/32Xfi3 #
- 00:29 @ ashleyyysharp bit.ly/2e0aH9 #
- 00:42 "Stuff White People Like" stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/ Such truth to these. 'Tis great. #
- 00:45 @ christinaof94 OMG HAHA I'm even a Christian and I'm lol'ing #
- 00:58 LMAO "Today, my family had Chinese food. But since we're Chinese, we just call it food. MLIA" #
- 00:59 "Today, Microsoft Word decided to shut down without explanation. I chose not to send an error report to Microsoft. MLIA" #
- 01:01 "Stuff Christian Culture Likes: Papyrus font." SO TRUE. Why is that? #
- 01:03 @ christinaof94 lol it's so tacky! I don't understaaaand D: #
- 01:08 Annoying to me: Christians that hate Harry Potter & think it's evil. IT'S MAKE-BELIEVE. So is Santa. I can love God and still read HP. Geez. #
- 01:12 I just saw a commercial for Kingdom Hearts on DS. I used to have that on PS2. Nerd. #
- 01:19 Skillet is on MTV's Rock the Deuce. Massive amounts of happiness are radiating from me now. @BenKasica @JenLedger @koreycooper @johnlcooper #
- 01:30 Tears. Real tears. bit.ly/19jD7j #
- 01:33 My biggest regret in life: not going to Edgefest '07. Seriously. #
- 01:36 Today, I was talking to my friend about food. My friend said "I love food." and I replied with "Me too, it's like all I eat!"..... #
- 02:05 @ BenKasica Heck yes you were! Made my night :) #
- 02:10 My sister fell asleep in my bed playing video games. #
- 02:19 Time for Bones! :) Blonde in the Game. Epps is my favorite arc, I think. #
- 10:47 It feels so much colder than 60 degrees. #
- 10:53 Wait...it's 50 not 60. #
- 10:57 @ koreycooper Honey Nut Cheerios + Cinnamon Life=Quite Good. #
- 13:42 Over the river & through the woods, to grandmother's house I go. #
- 13:45 My mom pokes and provokes me all the freakin' time. Wtf. #
- 14:14 @ BenKasica Hey, I thought it was pretty funny... #
- 14:59 I love coming to my grandma's house and getting lectured on the dangers of the preservatives & chemicals in my Diet Mtn. Dew. #
- 15:16 twitpic.com/m1372 - My grandma's growing weed! Hahaha jk jk #
- 15:16 It's a plant called Cat's Whiskers or something. #
- 15:28 @ karennnyo Lmaooo well weed only has 5 leaves doesn't it? hahah #
- 15:40 @ karennnyo hahahaha I lol'ed when I was sending it #
- 16:53 Tweets are sending multiple times today. Why is that, Twitter? Huh? #
- 16:57 I haaate when people make things unecessarily difficult. #
- 17:49 Just watched Night at the Bones Museum again. AWW @ the egg scene and AWW/UGHH at the end scene. It still frustrates me. #
- 17:57 @ karennnyo omg hahaha immaturity is our job as teenagers ;) #
- 18:01 @ karennnyo SRSLY. #
- 18:06 @ karennnyo hahhahhah nice :) #
- 18:37 #45 of things I hate: not being replied to. If I take my time sending you a message or something, you can at least acknowledge it. Geez. #
- 18:58 @ BenKasica #3: I totally do that all the time. I'm such a nerd. No offense ;) #
- 19:11 I touched up my silver nails with a silver Sharpie....now I've got a headache from the fumes. #
- 19:51 Someone stupid just forward my own message back to me. I don't know whose number it was though hahah #
- 20:24 Hot tub is finally fixed! Getting in for the first time months! #
- 20:50 @ BenKasica Bones! Sooo good. #
- 20:53 Watching The Proposal again...haha here goes my future self ;) @Roossalliee #
- 21:00 @ alyfourseven omg lmao hahaha I'd like to think Betty White but my friends say Sandra Bullock :P #
- 21:00 @ alyfourseven my fave is the fire dance with "Get Low" and granny hahaha #
- 21:03 @ alyfourseven she's awesome! Coolest oldster everrr #
- 21:12 @ alyfourseven AHH LOVE :) & ooh of course...good scene, good scene ;) #
- 21:25 @ alyfourseven o_o hehehe #
- 21:25 @ alyfourseven I know right? ;) #
- 21:37 I find it more amusing than I should that the dog's name is Kevin. #
- 21:37 Wooow, desperate much? #
- 22:12 My dad wants to move to Sitka. Of course. #
- 22:15 Being purposely ambiguous via Twitter is not how to get me interested in your life. #
- 22:20 @ ashleyyysharp what? Your tweet? I just now saw it online...what happened? lol #
- 22:21 @ BenKasica Do you guys choose to play/not play certain songs in hopes of encouraging a certain audience? #