Oct 26, 2009 22:10
- 23:10 Hot-Blooded :) I gotta fevah of 103 *high kick* #
- 23:14 When Booth was telling Brennan about his friend in the war about the x-rays, I wonder if he was talking about Parker? #
- 23:22 @ alyfourseven bahaha :) classic #
- 23:26 I love when Brennan says, "What a pair," at the end :) #
- 23:35 New mattress! I feel tall. It's like 4 inches higher than my last one. My old one is now Landon's "big boy" bed haha #
- 23:39 I just had an absolute HORRIFYING thought: All-Region auditions are Saturday and I don't know my music D: #
- 23:42 Oh, Man on the Fairway now. 50% of season 1 had good Brennan hair. The other half was like wannabe straightish fail. #
- 23:45 Also, continuity errors are my favorite. Misplaced hair/accessories & head positions are great :) #
- 23:47 @ karennnyo Well half is cute straight with curled ends (NOT curled under ;)) and good straight. The rest looks like it was (tbc).. #
- 23:47 @ karennnyo straightened with one of those cheap straighteners that momentarily work but mainly make it look frizzy or something haha #
- 23:53 @ karennnyo aww yeah that was good hair :) I love her hair in the "coffee" scene haha #
- 23:55 Jesse Kane/Cane has beady little black eyes. Like Tigger. #
- 23:56 Going to listen to "Careful" so it will get outta my head. #paramore #
- 00:04 Ewwww the pig + woodchipper. #
- 00:08 @ karennnyo Oh my, mee tooo! One of these days when I have a ton of time, I'll do a massive fashion/hair picspam of Bones on LJ haha #
- 00:09 I still have it in my head. fail #
- 00:13 @ karennnyo omg yessss #
- 00:26 Yankees won? So that mean Bones comes back earlier, right? Maybe? #
- 00:31 Woman in the Garden again. Anddd sleeep. My eyes are quite dry...or "salty" as @Roossalliee would say. #
- 00:33 This hasn't changed one bit. #
- 00:33 "Frankie Alabama? Ya don't say!" #
- 08:20 Oh no, Monday morningsss. #
- 08:25 Wow, I don't even know what to say. #
- 16:26 Now we will shoot the video for real this time. #
- 17:07 Guess what? We didn't shoot the video. Ensemble choir practice time...wee... #
- 18:56 Choir practice was awesome today, I'm not gonna lie. We beasted it up. Now choir meeting. *crosses fingers for NYC not Disney* #
- 20:14 Video shoot NOW. OMG FINALLY. #
- 20:31 @ xmandyvalentine yes :/ but disney is good too i guess lol #
- 20:43 @ xmandyvalentine haha sortaaa....we will so fail #
- 21:57 Video done! Editing tomorrow. Oh boyy. #
- 22:12 @ ashleyyysharp Since like June! Where have you been? lol Ok ok, maybe July...lol #
- 22:20 I can only act when I'm not acting with my friends. I can never stop laughing. @ashleyyysharp #
- 22:21 #whenwewereyoung we thought those patchy denim pants were so cool. #
- 22:22 #whenwewereyoung we had secret clubs and kicked people out if we got in fights. hahah #
- 22:47 @ ashleyyysharp Meh, I could never get into them even before radio times haha You know how I am with alt haha #
- 22:56 @ Lenay13 prolly a kitty...just sayin'... #
- 22:58 Rude is: inviting someone to go somewhere with you, then blatantly inviting someone else right in front of the other person. Biatch. #
- 23:01 #whenwewereyoung, The Spice Girls were the shiz! #
- 23:02 Alright, onto College Algebra. Not hard, just a lot of it. {twss} #
- 23:07 Every week seems busier & busier. Next week is only 3 days long, though! :D #