Title: Code
Genre: Romance, Angst
Pairing: Kuroda Seira (Shida Mirai) x Tanaka Ainosuke (Yamada Ryosuke)
macymacymacy Beta:
gwynfryd and
crescentharpe Rating: PG
Disclaimer: the song 'Code' is obviously not mine, and translation credits goes to
debbie_chan AN:
koigaii -AU and OOC
-first time writing a dorama & crossover fic.
-this chapter is not very good, i'm afraid.
I built up my courage and said the words I could hold in no longer.
Will I be able to stay as someone you are proud to call your own.
Chapter 5
"Are you going?" Chirs called out.
"Hai..." Seira said. "Just for a bit. School." She said hurriedly, looking for only a second at her brother as he nodded at her.
But as the door closed, Chris' smile faded and it was replaced by a deep frown.
He is very worried about Seira. Very worried indeed.
She hadn't been herself.
For the last month, he knew that was because she was mourning and it was her means of coping.
And then he came.
He was glad when Tanaka-san started visiting her and slowly the Seira he knew was coming back.
But it seems she had depeneded too much on Tanka-san.
"Seira, was that Tanaka-san?" Maria asked. Seira was just on the phone.
"Maria-san! I'm sorry I didn't notice you came in." Seira said, smiling brightly. "Hai, it was Ainosuke-kun." She said in answer to Maria's question.
Maria grew silent.
"Seira... Are you in love with Tanka-san?" She asked without preamble.
Seira looked at her, surprised.
"Pardon?" Seira said, blinking.
Maria sighed in exasperation. "I'm saying I think you're in love with Tanaka-san."
"It's not like that." Seira said.
Maria sighed again.
"Okay, look. I'm just saying this one time so listen. I... I'm just worried about you. About both of you. I think it's great if, you know, you're really in love with him. That's a good thing. But what if you're just confused and you just wanna depend on Tanaka-san? I know you, Seira. You wouldn't do that, but right now..." I just wanna say that I don't want you to get hurt in the future."
"I told you, it's not like that." Seira said firmly.
"You're not in love with him." Maria said, as if confirming.
Seira sighed. "I'm not."
"Well, what about him? And okay, maybe that's the case now but what if---" Maria started but Seira cut her off.
"I won't let it be that way. I can't do that to him." Seira said.
Maria went silent.
And then after a while, she said in a soft voice. "It's not your fault, you know. It was a car accident."
Seira smiled at her. "I know it's not, Maria-san."
Chris was by the door when they had talked and he had heard everything. He wasn't very much alarmed then. He was happy as long as Seira was healing. He was selfish to think that, he knew, but he just wanted to see Seira happy.
But then Tanaka stopped coming. And now, Seira was worser than before.
She's been keeping herself very busy.
Been avoiding him.
She's slowly closing up, building a wall, not letting anyone in.
His frown deepen. He really didn't know how to help Seira.
He hated seeing her like that. And today of all days.
It had been exactly one month since Kusama-san had dragged Ainosuke-kun out the house.
Exactly one month since she last saw him.
And around two weeks since he last called.
Seira shook her head. She's not supposed to think about him.
Sighing, Seira walked towards the school's main dining room. Masami had called her and asked her to go there. She didn't really know why, though.
She opened the door, a bit distracted.
Seira blinked.
Shock registered as she saw so many faces before her.
Everyone was inside the dining room, students, teachers and staffs alike. There were even her old high school friends.
Mimura Chieko moved forward, smiling at Seira.
"Omedetou, Sashu." She said, snapping Seira out of her shock.
"Thank you so much, minna!" She said, smiling brightly at everyone. She only realized what was going on when she saw the banner, no doubt the students did, hanging before the table with the words, 'Happy Birthday!"
Frankly, she had forgotten it was her birthday but she knew the date of today. She was very much aware.
She placed a hand inside her pocket and gripped the burned cross.
'I've forgotten it was my birthday when Dad died.' she thought.
Someone tapped her on her shoulders. She looked back to see Chris.
"Chris..." she said, smiling up at him. She was not surprise that Chris was in on this. It might be that this was Chris' idea.
He smiled at her.
"Well, the birthday girl is here so let the celebration start!" He announced to everyone.
Everyone cheered.
Seira let them celebrate.
But it was the most she could do. Honestly, she was very touched but she can't force herself to celebrate.
She hasn't done so since six years ago. Since what happened to her dad...
And just more than a month ago, Kaito...
She couldn't be happy even if she want to.
But just then, an unbidden image of a smiling Ainosuke flashed through her mind.
Seira shook her head.
"Well, not right now but what if---" Maria started but Seira cut her off.
"I won't let it be that way. I can't do that to him." Seira said firmly.
Maria went silent.
And then after a while, she said in a soft voice. "it's not your fault, you know. It was a car accident."
Seira smiled at her. "I know it's not, Maria."
No. She can't.
"It's not my fault. But still, everyone I ever love leaves me."
She just can't.
"Seira-san!" Seira looked up. It was Masami.
"What is it?" She asked.
"This just came in. Mana-san said a young man had asked her to give it to you." Masami said.
Seira took the package, a bit surprised.
It was big and flat. Written on it were the words, 'Happy Birthday Seira-san.'
Her heart beat suddenly raced.
She opened the package.
"Wow..." She heard Masami exclaimed at the gift.
It was a painting.
A very beautiful painting of her on the hospital rooftop with the full moon behind her.
She passed the package back to Masami and ran out.
"A young man asked her to deliver it to you."
'He must still be here.'
As Seira got out, she saw a young man disappear in a corner.
Clutching at her chest, she ran after him.
"Ainosuke-kun!" She called but it seems he didn't hear her.
She quicken her pace.
He was just walking, fortunately but he was a bit far in front.
"Ainosuke-kun!" She tried again but he didn't look back.
He stopped by the road and Seira hurried to him.
Finally, she had reached him. She placed her hand on his shoulder.
He looked back at her, a bit surprised. His eyes widen as he recognized her.
"Kuroda Seira-san!" he said, bowing politely.
"You... You're not Ainosuke-kun..."
-Cliffy, sorry...
-painting? /whacked
Thanks for reading!