Title: La La Land
Pairing: Yamashi (main), Ohgojima, Umichii, Ryuko, Marisaki
Genre: definitely Crack, Fluff
macymacymacyRating: PG for language
Summary: Mirai had enough with la la land
-Mirai's POV, 'thoughts'
yellowbelle and
krizden_kim helped me with this yesterday at school. Belle gave me crack ideas and infos about Disneyland (cause i haven't gone out of our country YET and there's no disneyland here. boo!) and Kim gave me fluff ideas. thankies!!! XD
-i just realized that this is my 50th fic (Kim said it's a golden fic, lol)! and i just realized now that i've been making fics for three months now! time flies by so fast! XD
-inspiration of this fic:
Jojo's Baby It's You MV
Demi Lovato's La La Land Song
yelrihs_jefan 's
Negative Cohesion -It became so long so i'll divide it to three parts, kay?
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